Edit recurring sales invoices

Go to Sales, select Sales invoices, then select the Recurring Invoices tab.

Select the invoice to edit.

Edit your recurring invoice to:

  • Change the invoice details
  • Change the frequency
  • Change the email address
  • Pause or resume sending invoices
  • Cancel and delete recurring invoices

Changes made to a recurring invoice only affect subsequent invoices.


Change the invoice details

Edit the recurring invoice when you want to add or remove products or services, change product details such as prices or descriptions, change invoice details such as delivery address, due days, or terms and conditions.

  • You can change the customer as long as no invoices have been generated

    If you need to change the customer after an invoice has been created, cancel the recurring invoice and set it up again

  • If you know the details of a product or service have changed, but you don't you know the new details such as the new price, delete the product or service line and select the product or service again to use the updated details

Change the frequency

Change the day of invoice creation by updating the schedule. Take care to note the next invoice due date to avoid creating two invoices for the same period.

  • Changes to the frequency only apply to future dates

    For example, if you change the frequency from every Thursday to every Wednesday, and today is Thursday, the next invoice is created on the following Wednesday

  • If you change the frequency so the next invoice is due today, then an invoice is created immediately

    For example, if you change the frequency from every Tuesday to every Wednesday and today is Wednesday, then an invoice is created immediately

You cannot change the starting date after creating invoices.

Pause or resume sending invoices

You may want to temporarily suspend sending out invoices for one or more periods. This could be when you've not provided a service during a period such summer holidays.

When you pause the recurring invoice, it stops further invoice generation. While it's paused, the system does not create new invoices

When you're ready to send it again, click on Resume. The system will start creating invoices again at their next scheduled time, as indicated in the Next Invoice date field.

  • Pausing invoices prevents the system from generating any missed invoices. For example, if you pause daily invoices on Monday and resume them on Thursday, the system will not create invoices for Tuesday or Wednesday
  • If when you resume, the next invoice is due today, it will be created immediately

Pause a recurring invoice

  1. Open the Recurring invoices list
  2. Select Pause from the Actions column.

Resume a recurring invoice

  1. Open the Recurring invoices list
  2. Select Resume from the Actions column.

Cancel or delete a recurring invoice

You can cancel a recurring invoice before it's completed, for example, when a customer cancels their order.

  • Pause the recurring invoice, in case you need to set it up again
  • To stop the creation of further invoices, update the ending settings. The recurring invoice will then be marked as "Completed" on the Recurring Invoices list, allowing you to copy it to a new one if necessary
  • Delete the recurring invoice. This prevents any more invoices from being created and removes it from the Recurring Invoices list

Copy a recurring invoice

A recurring invoice finishes once it reaches its completion date or generates the required number of invoices.

It's useful to copy a recurring invoice if:

  • You have an order from a different customer for the same service.
  • The customer had re-ordered the same product or service after the previous recurrence has finished.

Copy a recurring invoice

  1. Open the Recurring invoices list.
  2. Select Copy from the Actions column.

  3. Make the required changes to the recurring invoice, such as changing the Starting or Ending Date or adjusting the Frequency.


    Don't forget, if the recurring invoice you've copied has finished, you must change the Ending.

Change the email message

To change the email message text or the Copy to address,

  1. Open the recurring invoice.
  2. Select Edit message and make the required changes.

Change the email address

If you're sending invoices automatically and want to send the invoice to a different email address, then amend the contact record.

The system always sends invoices to the main email address associated with the contact.

To change this email address

  1. From Contacts, select Customers.
  2. Select the contact from the list.
  3. From the Contacts and Addresses tab, edit the Main Contact details and update the email address.


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Steps to duplicate
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