Products and Services

Products and services in Sage Accounting are records to describe things you buy and sell. Instead of typing in a new description every time you create a new transaction, you can choose which existing products or services to add.

 TIP: Depending on your subscription, you may also be able to record stock for your products to help you manage how much of each item you have, block transactions when you are out of stock, and automatically create new orders when stock levels get low. 

By using this feature:

  • You can record your sales more accurately
  • They allow you to create detailed invoices quickly and easily
  • They will help provide better insight into your business

Products and services in Accounting

The products and services list is similar to the Customer and Supplier lists. You can view all of your existing products, and create, edit or delete them. You can search in the list and sort into column order by clicking a column heading.

Products and services in transactions

The areas they are used are:

Sales Purchases
Quotes & Estimates Purchase Invoices
Sales Invoices Purchase Credit Notes
Sales Credit Notes  

Any products or services you've already created can be selected when you're in the transaction. You can also create new products or services within a transaction as shown below.

What's Next?

Send your first invoice

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