Sales and purchases action toolbar

The action toolbar helps you manage your list of sales and purchase transactions. You can print, email, or export the lists. To save time you can also copy existing transactions, so you don’t have to enter everything again. You can pay, allocate or refund outstanding transactions quickly and easily.

You can access the action toolbar from the Sales and Purchases tabs. When you select the check box next to a transaction the action toolbar appears at the top of the list.

 TIP: Select the checkbox at the top-left of the list to select all items. 

From the action toolbar, you can do the following:

PrintThe list opens in a new window or tab. You can print the list from your browser menu.
EmailTo send an email, enter the address and any information you want to appear in the body of the email, then Save.
CSVDepending on your internet browser, the CSV file either downloads automatically to your Downloads folder. Or you may receive a prompt asking you to save the file to your computer.
PDFThe list opens as a PDF in a new window or tab, and you can print or save it from your browser menu.
CopyThis option is only available when you select a single sales item. You can use this to copy the details to a new invoice or credit note. If required, amend the information then Save. This is particularly useful if you repeatedly create invoices for the same items.

You can use this option to delete or void the sales item. To comply with HMRC rules, non-draft invoices and credit notes appear voided rather than deleted.

 NOTE: You can't void invoices or credit notes if they're marked as paid, part paid or you've included them on a VAT Return.

When you select transactions for the same customer or supplier, you can do one of the following:

Pay one or more invoiceTo record a payment against an invoice, select the checkbox next to the required invoices you want to pay. Select More then choose Pay or Allocate.
The Customer Receipt or Supplier Payment options appear. Complete the relevant information then select Save.
RefundSelect the checkbox next to the required sales or purchase credit note you want to refund. Select More then Pay or Allocate.
The Customer Refund or Supplier Refund option appears. Complete the relevant information then select Save.
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