Add more addresses and contact names to customers

How this works

The Main address and Main contact will receive all documents sent to this customer.

For example, you may have a delivery address and a separate address that you send the statements and invoices.

What is printed on your invoices

Your invoices automatically include

  • The Business or Company name
  • The Main contact name
  • The Main address

If the Main contact name is the same as the business name, it will appear on your invoices twice. To prevent this view Customising sales documents to see what you can remove from an invoice.

Shows business name and contact name the same meaning the name will appear twice on invoice

Add a new address

  1. From Contacts, choose Customers.
  2. Select the relevant customer.
  3. From the Contacts and Addresses tab, select New Address.
  4. Choose the address type, to help you identify each address, by setting the address type it does not automatically send the documents to that address. For example, choosing Delivery will not automatically set this address as the delivery address. To select a default delivery address go to SettingsBusiness Settings, and Document Preferences.
  5. Click Save to confirm changes.

Add a new contact

  1. From Contacts, choose Customers or Suppliers.
  2. Select the relevant customer or supplier.
  3. From the Contacts and Addresses tab, select New Contact.
  4. Enter the relevant details.
  5. Click Save.

Change the Main address or Main Contact

If you want to make a different address from your main contact address, you must also add a contact. Invoices by default will go to the Main Address which is set on the contact.

  1. From Contacts, choose Customers.
  2. Select the relevant customer.
  3. From the Contacts and Addresses tab.
  4. Select the Orange circle next to the Address or Customer contact.
    confirms which orange circle to Change Main address or contact

Use delivery addresses automatically on sales invoices

Once the delivery address has been set on the customer contact, it’s added automatically when creating sales invoices.

If no delivery address is set on the customer contact, the delivery address defaults to the Main address.

  1. From Settings, then Business Settings, choose Document Preferences.
  2. From the Contact and Addresses section, under Default Delivery Address, choose Delivery Address.
  3. Click Save.
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