Purchase a fixed asset

You should deal with fixed assets differently from your normal day-to-day purchases. Here we explain how to record the purchase of a fixed asset such as vehicles, machinery, or office equipment.

  • Make sure you have the correct Fixed Assets ledger accounts
  • Record the purchase as a simple bank payment (Other Payment). Or as a Purchase Invoice if you've received one from your supplier
  • For assets bought using a loan or hire purchase, how to:
    • Include fees and deposits
    • Manage repayments and interest charged

There may be times when you purchase items that are for the long-term use of the business. You're likely not going to convert these quickly into cash and are known as Fixed assets.

Some common examples of fixed assets are:

  • Vehicles (such as company cars or commercial vehicles)
  • Office Furniture, fixtures, and equipment
  • Machinery
  • Buildings
  • Land

Purchase an asset

Record the purchase of an asset as normal as an:

  • Other Payment - if you're just recording the amount spent with no purchase invoice
  • Purchase Invoice - if you want to record the invoice received from a supplier

Which ledger account do I use?

  • Select a Fixed Asset ledger account

This is because you need to show the values of the asset on your balance sheet. This is unlike normal purchases which show on your profit and loss.

We have set up the following Fixed Asset ledger accounts for you. If you have other types of fixed assets, you may need to create your own similar Ledger accounts. Create new ledger accounts

Ledger Account codeLedger Account name


Assets – Cost

0010Property -Cost
0020Plant and Machinery - Cost


Office equipment and IT – Cost


Fixture and fittings – Cost


Motor Vehicles – Cost

Asset bought using a loan or hire purchase

If you buy and finance a fixed asset with a loan or hire purchase, you’ll need to include charges at the same time as the purchase.

To help you keep track of how much you have left to pay, record your monthly repayments and any interest charged in your accounts we recommend that you:

  1. Create new ledger accounts for record hire purchase fees.
  2. Record the original purchase using a journal. The journals may vary depending on whether you have used part-exchange.
  3. Record the re-payments, including any interest charged.

Part exchange

If you want to part exchange an existing asset when purchasing a new one - follow the steps below. This is to remove the value of the exchanged asset from your balance sheet and record the purchase of the new asset.

How to record payments

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Steps to duplicate
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