Create a manual payroll journal

This explains how to record information about your payroll in your accounts.

For example: wages, tax, and insurance.

Here we show you:

  • How to record salary payments made to your employees
  • How to record payments made to HMRC for tax and national insurance

If you subscribe to both Accounting and Payroll, you can save time. Send salary details directly to Accounting when you complete your pay run.

Read our article on Payroll and Accounting integration >


Salary journals are where you record all the information used to pay your employees.

This includes:

  • Wage payments made to your employees
  • Amount you have paid to HMRC for tax
  • Employee costs.

We recommend that you complete your salary journals at the end of each pay period.

To make sure your accounts are up to date, we also recommend you create the following:

  • A salary journal showing the amounts due for your wages, PAYE and national insurance. This is so you can track your employee costs
  • A bank payment showing the amount paid to your employees. This is so your bank balance is up to date. You can reconcile with your bank statement
  • A bank payment showing the amount paid to HMRC

Before you start

For whatever payroll system you use, you'll need the following information for each pay period:

  • Total PAYE (income tax)
  • Total gross pay
  • Total net pay
  • Student loans
  • Deductions and attachments
  • Employee pension contributions
  • Employer’s NI contributions
  • Employees NI contributions
  • Employer pension contributions, if applicable
  • Any statutory payments made
  • Any statutory payments reclaimed. If you reclaim statutory payments, you can get this value from the monthly P32 report


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