Create sales invoice - detailed version
Use the table below to find out more about the different sections within Sales Invoices.

CategoryUse categories to organize your sales. For example, if the invoice is for stationery, you might use a category for Office Supplies. The invoice records the net sales under this category for easy reporting. The system picks the customer's default category first for convenience. You can always change the category for any invoice line.

To learn more about categories, read our Chart of Accounts introduction >

VAT Rate

When you create an invoice, the VAT rate used is the one set as the default on the customer record. If you then add products or services, the VAT rate updates to use the rate saved on the product or service record.

You can change the VAT rate on individual line items by selecting the rate you want to use from the drop-down list.

Read more in the VAT rate guide >

Add bank details, notes, or terms and conditions

Invoices have space for terms, conditions, and notes like sale terms and payment details. You can add these to each invoice or set defaults in Business Settings under Document Preferences. These defaults appear on all new invoices, but you can customize them per invoice.

 TIP: If you enter your bank details in the invoice notes, your customer has them to hand when they come to pay their invoice.

CIS & Reverse charge

To add CIS deductions and reverse VAT to invoices:

  1. Set up CIS in your business accounts.
  2. Add your CIS contacts.
  3. Choose a CIS contact when creating an invoice for correct VAT handling.
VAT Breakdown

When you've finished adding items to your invoice, the total net, VAT and gross amounts appear at the bottom of the invoice. The VAT is broken down by VAT rate, so you can see a separate line for each rate used on the invoice.

If you would like to see a further breakdown of the VAT included on your invoice, select the View VAT Analysis link. This opens a table that displays a full breakdown of the VAT for the items you've put on the invoice, including the different VAT rates.


Attachments are a great way to keep track of any files you have that relate to this invoice. For example, you could attach sales literature such as a PDF brochure, or a product image. If you email the invoice to your customer, they can see the files you've attached.

You can add up to 10 attachments to each invoice, using files of the following types: PDF, GIF, JPG, JPEG or PNG. The maximum size for each file is 2.5MB.

Learn how to Add attachments

CustomiseUse the Customise menu at the bottom of the New Sales Invoice page to jump to customisation settings. This saves you time when you want to customise invoices for your business.
Once you've saved your invoice, you can record the payment straight away or use any of the quick actions such as Email, Edit, Print Preview etc. 
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