Show or hide a category

Exclude and control which categories can be used on certain transactions to help reduce errors.

If you can't find a category when entering a specific transaction, you should check its visibility.


How this works

You can't delete a category once you've created it.

Hide any categories that you no longer want to use. Once you hide them, you won't be able to select them when entering transactions.

You can't hide control accounts. We use these special categories automatically when creating transactions.

Categories with balances still appear on your reports.

Hide a ledger account

  1. From More, then Business Settings, choose Chart of Accounts.
  2. Open the relevant category.
  3. Clear the Included in Chart check box.
  4. Select Save.

Set visibility on transactions

If you can't find a category when entering transactions, you should check that it's visible for the type of transaction you're creating.

To help prevent errors, we set categories to only be available on certain types of transactions.

For example, your sales categories are only available for sales transactions and receipts.

If you need to use the category in a different area, change the Visibility setting. For example, if you are sending the customer a refund, you may want to use a Sales category on a payment.

  1. From More, then Business Settings, choose Chart of Accounts.
  2. Open the category you want to check.
  3. Select the relevant areas in the Visibility section, and choose Save.

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