This communication was sent 02 August 2022. Notice 22-GB | 02 August 2022 Our records show that you are using Summer 2017 of Sage 200, this version is no longer supported. Details of our supported versions are available in our software Lifecycle Policy. This version is impacted by upcoming technology changes, action is required by 30th September 2022. Your Sage Business Partner will have already made you aware of this. Sage 200 Professional utilises a variety of technology, some of these are provided through other software vendors and as with all technology, older versions are not maintained. By keeping your Sage 200 version up to date, you can minimise the impact to your business when technology is retired. Action required:You can check which version you are using by following this article. We’d ask that you complete this form to let us know which version you are using so we can update our records. To find out everything you need to know about the technology changes, click here to find out more. |