Upload P60s to Sage HR Online Services

Once you set up Sage HR Online Services, it's quick and easy to upload your employees' P60s when you complete payroll year end.

You must provide your employees with their 2024/25 P60 by the deadline of 31 May 2025.

When you upload P60s from Sage 50 Payroll, your employees can view their P60s in Sage HR Online Services right away.

NOTE: You can upload P60s for the current year and the previous three tax years.


Complete the steps below to upload your employees' P60s to Sage HR Online Services. The same steps apply whether you've just completed your year end, or you're returning to upload P60s at a later date.

  1. Click Payroll, then Change Process Date.
  2. Set this to 05/04/2025 then click OK.
  3. Click Payroll Year End, then click Choose tax year.
  4. Select the 2024/2025 tax year,
  5. Check the reports date is 05/04/2025 then click OK.
  6. Click Produce P60s, then click Upload.
    • To only upload P60s for certain employees, clear the checkboxes to the left of your employee's names who you don't want to include.
  7. Check the information in the summary is correct. If required, you can print this information for your records. To do this click Print Summary.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. If prompted, enter your Sage account username and password, then click Sign In.

You've now uploaded your employees' P60s, and your employees can log in and view these within their profile.

Prior tax years

To upload one or more P60s for a prior tax year, follow the steps above but with the dates set to the required tax year.

For example, for 2023/2024 P60s, set the process date to 05/04/2024, select the tax year 2023/2024 and check the Reports date is 05/04/2024.


Steps to duplicate
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