Get help within your payroll software

We want you to get the most from your software, so we've made it even easier for you to get support at your fingertips wherever you are.

Introducing our new help feature; If you need support or just want to know a little more, click for help and we'll do the rest.

Let's take a look


Use Get Help

With our enhanced help feature, you can view our award winning support content without leaving your Sage software.

From any window you're working within in your software you can either:

  • Click the help button
  • Click the help icon
  • Or press F1 on your keyboard

When you use one of these options the help panel opens and the guide/s relating to the window you're working in appear.

Simply click the guide you want to use, allowing you to follow steps from our help content at the same time as processing your task.

Types of content

Depending on the area of the software you're working in, you'll see different content.

Multiple guides

For larger areas of the software and for windows that have more than one option, you can 

Single guide

For areas of the software where one guide covers everything you need, you'll go 

Search for what you need

Just like our Help Centre, you can still search our knowledgebase for answers. You can then 

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