How do I create project resources?

You may have regular postings against a project, for example, postings for a tradesman such as a plumber or electrician who always has the same rate and cost code. To save time, you can set up resources. This speeds up processing for regular transactions as you don't have to enter a rate and cost code each time.


Create a resource

You can create as many resources as required and specify a charge rate and unit of measurement for each.

  1. Click Projects then click Resources.
  2. Click Add and complete the Resources window as follows:
    Reference Enter a unique reference for the resource.
    Name Enter the name of the resource, for example, Plumber.
    Unit of measure Enter the unit of measure, for example, per hour.
    Cost Rate Enter the cost rate per unit
    Cost Code Enter the Cost Code for the resource, for example, LAB1.
  3. Click OK then click Close.

Once created, you can use your resources when posting project only transactions.

Amend a resource

  1. Click Projects then click Resources.
  2. Select the resource from the list and click Edit and make the required changes.

    You can't change the reference of a resource.

  3. Click OK and click Close.

Delete a resource

  1. Click Projects then click Resources.
  2. Select the resource from the list and click Delete.
  3. Click Yes and click Close.

    You can't delete a resource if it appears on any transactions for an existing project.


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