What information appears on the Details tab on invoices, credits, and invoice quotations?

The Details  tab is used to enter key information such as the tax point date, the customer account reference and any customer order numbers. This is also where you enter details of the products and services being sold.

Below is the is the information you can enter in this tab.

TIP: Find out more about creating invoices, credits, sales orders and quotations >


Header information

TypeFor invoices, select the type of invoice or credit you want to create:
  • Invoice
  • Pro-forma

For credit notes, this defaults to Credit.

FormatIf you use product records select Product, or to enter free text service items select Service.
DateEnter the tax point date of the invoice, credit or quotation.
A/CEnter the customer account reference for the invoice, credit or quotation.
Inv / Crd No.When you create a new invoice, credit or quotation, ‹Autonumber› appears in this box . Invoice and credit numbers are assigned when the invoice or credit is saved. If you want to edit an existing invoice or credit, or create a new one with your own number, enter the number here. 

If you've selected to Lock Autonumber within Invoice and Order Defaults, you can't change this.
Order NoEnter the sales order reference.
Due On / Expiry

Enter the date the invoice is due to be paid. This defaults to a date determined by the Payment Due and Payment Due From settings in the Credit Control tab of the customer record.

On quotations this field is called Expiry and is where you can enter the date the quote expires. Once the Expiry date passes, the status of the quote automatically changes to Expired.

Item No.This shows the number of the item that's currently highlighted. For example, if there are ten item lines and the cursor is on the second line, this box shows 2 of 10.
RateIf you're working with foreign currencies, a Rate box appears in this window. This displays the current exchange rate to be used for this transaction. You can edit this exchange rate here, if required.
Customer Order NumberEnter your customer's reference or order number.

Editing an item line

When you add a product or service onto the invoice, credit or quotation, to access the Edit Item Line window select the item then press F3. Alternatively, click the arrow in the Description column.

Product Code - Product format onlyThis box automatically displays the product you've chosen. The drop-down list shows the product code, name and free stock available.
DescriptionThe description from the product record or service appears here.
UnitsEnter the unit type here. For example, you may sell items by sheet or by roll.
DetailsYou can enter any additional comments you may have regarding product items or services here.
Order ReferenceEnter a reference for the order. When you complete the order, this reference transfers to the item line of the product invoice. This information is used exclusively by the Transaction e-Mail option.
Order Line ReferenceThis shows the item's position on the invoice and can't be changed. This information is used exclusively by the Transaction e-Mail option.
QuantityEnter the quantity of the selected product that you want to add to the order.
Unit PriceThe sales price taken from the product record appears here.
Discount %This box displays the total percentage of discount taken from the customer record. This can be changed but any changes made here don't save back to the customer record. To view a breakdown of how this discount is made up, click Discounts.
DiscountThis shows the value of the discount the customer will receive.
NetThis box displays the net value for the current item. It's calculated by multiplying the quantity by the net unit price, including any discounts. You can't amend this value.
VATThis box shows the amount of VAT calculated for this item according to the tax code being used.
NominalThis is the sales nominal code taken from the product record.
Tax CodeThis is the default tax code for the product.
DepartmentThis is the default department for the product.
Fund - Charities onlyEnter the charity fund in applicable.
Line InformationEnter any additional information about the item line in this box.
Item StatusThis section shows the allocated, despatched and delivered status of the item you're viewing. The Intrastat reference also appears here, if applicable.
Make negativeOn service items, if the item line is a deduction on the invoice, credit or quotation, select this check box.
Project - Sage 50 Accounts ProfessionalIf using project costing, on service items you can select the project if applicable.

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