Carry back losses to prior year/use losses brought forward in Sage Corporation Tax Online
This article is relevant to Sage Corporation Tax Online - for Sage Corporation Tax desktop, please see 
How do I carry a trading loss back to a previous period?
Entering the losses

To enter the losses to carry back:

  1. Open the Trade screen and click on the Losses tab.
  2. Ensure your calculated for this period is correct in the Loss arising in period
  3. Scroll down and locate the Loss carried back to previous year
  4. Enter the amount of losses to carry back
Making a claim for a repayment

To make a claim for repayment:

  1. Click on Computation Data
  2. Open the Information for the Return tab
  3. Tick the appropriate button, Repayment due for an earlier period
Losses brought forward 
  1. Access Trade
  2. Click on the Losses button
  3. Enter your losses
  4. Enter any losses offset against current year trade profits/total profits

    NOTE: You need to split your losses between pre and post April 2017.

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Steps to duplicate
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