Which report? Finding the report you need in Sage 50 Accounts

Sage 50 Accounts offers hundreds of reports. To help you find the best one, we've created a tool to save you time. 

Using v30 or above? Try our new report finder within the software.


Find the report you need

Report Finder Tool

Using the Report Finder tool

There are two ways to find the report you need, use filters or the search.

Use filters

You can set a filter to select specific modules and report fields you want to see on the report.

  1. Open the Report finder.
  2. Click Show filters.
  3. Select the check boxes for the modules that best match the report you want to find.
  4. Check the boxes next to the required report fields.

     TIP: The list of Report Values change when you select any, therefore we recommend you select the most important fields first.

  5. Click Close window to view the filtered list of reports.

Use the search bar

Enter keywords into the search bar.

 TIP: We recommend entering keywords not full sentences. For example, to view a Trial Balance report with a date range, search 'Trial Balance date range'.

Looking for something else?

Access dedicated support for reporting, including how customising and creating your own using Report Designer. Find out more in Your Reporting Help Centres.


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