How to handle RTI IDs when changing software provider

When moving software providers, or recreating a payroll, you need to handle employees' RTI IDs correctly.

The RTI ID is a unique reference for each employee that your software includes on the Full Payment Submission (FPS). HMRC's systems recognise an RTI ID as an employment. 

You need to either enter the original RTI ID for each employee, or use the 'unknown' flag. If you don't do this correctly, employees' liability becomes duplicated with HMRC, as their systems recognise a new RTI ID as a new employment.


If you have the original RTI IDs, enter them when you create each employee's record.

Use the unknown ID option for anyone whose original RTI ID is unavailable.

Click the relevant option below to see your next steps.

HMRC can't merge the records

If you've already set up employees and submitted an FPS without accounting for the RTI ID as above, HMRC may hold duplicated liability. This is because each employee now has two RTI IDs on HMRC's systems instead of one.

If you're not sure whether HMRC have two RTI IDs per employee, contact HMRC to check before you follow the steps below.

To resolve this, follow the steps below to remove the duplicated liability and mark these new RTI IDs as leavers on HMRC's system. 

Only follow these steps for the current tax year and if HMRC has been unable to provide any other advice to correct the issue.

  1. Rollback to remove the processing history.
     TIP: For help with using rollback, visit our how to use the rollback option article. 
  2. Set the employees' tax code to 0T wk/m1.
  3. Process and Update zero pay for the last period you submitted on a Full Payment Submission.
  4. Mark all the employees as leavers.
  5. Submit an FPS Adjustment.
  6. Follow the steps in either of the sections above.

You've now removed the incorrect values and RTI IDs from HMRC's systems. Return to the beginning of the Resolution section in this guide to set these employees up correctly.


Steps to duplicate
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