Once you enter payments, you must record the number of hours in the Payslip Comments field on the employee record each pay period.
If you use Online Payslips the comment appears on the online version of the payslip. If you print or email payslips, you must use a payslip layout that includes comments.
Payslip layouts including comments
Name | Description | Filename |
DotMatrix (1 per 6in. page) with Comments | Standard payslip plus format payslip including payslip comment field | STDLYT03 |
DotMatrix (1 per 6in. page) with Holiday Funds and Loans | Standard payslip plus format payslip including Holiday Fund and Loans | STDLYT06 |
DotMatrix (2 per 12in. page) with Comments | Standard payslip plus format payslip including payslip comment field | STDLYT05 |
Email Layout A4 | Email Layout A4 | Email 1 |
Email Layout with Holiday | Email Layout with Holiday | Email 2 |
Email Layout without Holiday | Email Layout without Holiday | Email 3 |
Laser (2 per A4 sheet) with Comments | Standard laser payslip plus format, two per A4 sheet. Includes payslip comment | STDLYT21 |
Laser (2 per A4 sheet) with Holiday Funds and Loans | Standard laser payslip plus format, two per A4 sheet. Includes holiday fund and loan information | STDLYT22 |
[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]