Online Documents - Upload and publish company payroll reports

Before any users upload or publish any payroll documents, a manager user must set their access level and assign them to the appropriate groups >


Upload payroll reports

  1. Select the required employees, then click Payroll.
  2. Click Pre-update Reports or Reports, as required.
  3. Browse to and select the required payroll report, then click Upload.
  4. If prompted, enter the required report criteria, then click OK.
  5. If required, edit the filename, then click Upload.
  6. To publish your payroll reports straight away, click Login and Publish documents.
  7. Enter your Sage ID, then click Sign In.
  8. Or, to publish them later, click Close.

Publish your payroll reports

If you chose to publish your payroll reports straight away, start from step 3. Or, if you chose to publish them later, complete the following steps from step 1.

  1. Click Company, then click Online Document Settings.
  2. Click Do it now to Visit your Online Documents portal.
  3. Enter your Sage ID, then click Sign In.
  4. Click Online Documents, then click Pending Documents.
  5. Select the check box for each payroll report you want to publish.

    Alternatively, to publish all payroll reports, select the main check box in the column heading.
  6. Click Publish then, from the drop-down list, select which group of users have permission to view the payroll reports.
  7. Click Publish.

Once you publish them, you can view and manage your payroll reports. Read more >






Steps to duplicate
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