Import price lists

Use price lists to set up different product prices and apply them to one or more customers. Group together customers who purchase products from you at a discounted price. Let's import them now.

 NOTE: Price list and special price lists are available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional. If you'd like to upgrade, leave your details and we'll be in touch.


File format

The file must be CSV or TXT and in the following format:

  • Product reference - This must already exist in your product list
  • Product price - Enter the new fixed price for the product
    "Product ref","Price"

    "Box002","22.00","with waterproof coating"
    "Book001","7.99","Signed limited edition"

In this example, Sage 50 Accounts doesn't import the column headings on the first line or the additional text on lines 3 and 4.

If you have exported an existing price list from Sage 50 Accounts that you wish to update, you'll need to remove columns B, C, D, E and G. This will leave you with just the product code and list price ready for you to edit and import back in.

NOTE: When using the Import option within Sage 50 Accounts, any numeric values do not need to be in quotes. In the above example, this means that the prices don't need to be in quotes.


TIP: The calculation method for the imported price list is automatically set to Fixed and cannot be changed. If the product already appears on the price list the price is overwritten.

  1. Click Customers then click Price lists.
  2. Select the price list that you want to import into then click Edit.
  3. Click Import then browse to the file that you want to import then click Continue.

    You can import either .TXT or .CSV files.

  4. Complete the Confirm Customer Price List Import window as follows:
    • To remove a line from the import, select the relevant line then click Delete Line
    • To change the new price for the product on the price list, enter the required price into the Proposed Price box
    • To clear the price list before importing the new details, select the Remove all items from the Price List prior to importing check box
    • To hide any import warnings in the Warnings column, select the Hide warnings, errors will still be displayed check box
    • The Save, and Save as, options save any changes that you make in this window back to the import file or to a new file prior to the import

  5. Click Apply then click Save then click Close.

Error and warning messages

Errors appear on the Confirm Customer Price List Import window in red and are not imported into the price list. To import the information, you must take the required action to change the error to a warning or remove the error. The following errors may appear:

Error Action
Product code not recognised. Correct the product code on the import file or create the product code in the product list.
There are two list prices being imported for this product. See line (number). The product code is on the price list you are importing twice, remove one of the lines.
Invalid price supplied for this product. Correct the price of the product on the import file, for example, you may need to remove currency symbols.

Warnings appear on the Confirm Customer Price List Import window in black and are still imported into the price list. The following warning message may appear:

  • Product Code exists and the current price list of (value) will be overwritten

[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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