Create a price list

Use price lists to set up different product prices and apply them to one or more customers. You can group customers who purchase products from you at a discounted price.

Use special price lists to set up a different product price for a particular customer. For example, a customer pays a particular price for one product but a trade price for other products.

NOTE: Price list and special price lists are available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional. To upgrade, leave your details and we'll be in touch.

With Sage 50 Accounts Professional, you can also set up price lists for suppliers.

  1. Click Customers then click Price lists.
  2. Click New then complete the Price List Details as follows:

    Name Enter the name of your price list.
    Description Enter the description of your price list.
    Currency If required, from the drop-down list, choose the required currency.

     NOTE: You can only associate a customer with a price list when they use the same currency as the price list. 

  3. Click Save then click Close.

 You can now add customers and products to your price list.

[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]


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