Record and delete holidays as booked or taken

After you create and Assign a holiday scheme to your employees, you can use the absence diary option to record and delete holidays booked or taken. Let's do this now.


Record holidays booked or taken

  1. On the Employee List, double-click the required employee.
  2. Click the Absence tab then click Diary Entry.
  3. In the Absence Type drop-down lists click Holiday and Taken or Booked.
  4. In the From drop-down list, click AM or PM then enter the required date.
  5. In the To drop-down list, click AM or PM then enter the required date.
  6. If required, enter details of the holiday in the Comment box then click OK.
  7. Click Save then click Close.

Delete holidays booked or taken

  1. On the Employee List, double-click the required employee.
  2. Click the Absence then select the date range of the holiday.
  3. Once you've selected the full date range of the holiday, right-click then click None.
[BCB:133:Limitless - 50 Payroll - Holidays and Absence:ECB]


[BCB:258:UKI - Personal content block - Paul:ECB]
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