The calculation for student loans uses weekly or monthly thresholds. To calculate a student loan for an employee paid fortnightly, you must divide the employee's earnings into equal weekly amounts first. Use this weekly amount to calculate the weekly student loan deduction due, then multiply this by the number of weeks in the pay period.
Plan type 1
In this example, the employee earns £1000.
The calculation is: (((employee pay/2) - weekly threshold) x 9%) x 2
= £1000/2 = £500
= £500 - £480.57 = £19.43
= £19.43 x 9% = £1.7487
= £1.7487 x 2 = £3.4974
= £3.00 rounded down to whole pounds
Plan type 2
In this example, the employee earns £2000.
(((employee pay/2) - weekly threshold) x 9%) x 2
= £2000/2 = £1000
= £1000 - £524.90 = £475.10
= £475.1 x 9% = £42.759
= £42.759 x 2 = £85.518
= £85.00 rounded down to whole pounds