Purchase orders - cancel a purchase order

If you want to cancel a purchase order you can do this using the Amend deliveries option. If required, you can then place the cancelled order back on order.

Cancel an order

  1. Click Purchase orders and select the purchase orders that you want to cancel then click Amend deliveries.
  2. Click Off Order then click Close.

 NOTE: If the order has been completed, you can't take it off order, as a workaround you can delete the order, adjust your stock and raise the order again. Find out how >

The purchase order's now marked as cancelled and has a status of CANCEL.

Place a cancelled order back on order


  1. Click Purchase orders and select the cancelled purchase orders that you want to place back on order and click Amend deliveries.
  2. Click Order and click Close.
The purchase order's now placed back on order and has a status of ON-ORDER.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]