Area | Known Issue No. (if applicable) | Details |
ASM | 5733 | Issue with Analysis Codes causes Exception. |
Project Accounting | 2468 | Exception on Issue Allocation for a Project with the Nominal code set to Stock. |
7547 | Suggested billing is not pulling through new purchase costs. |
5254 | Cannot set the value of the field SourceAreaName if Project title over 60 characters. |
6195 | Create a Project in a particular order loses Attachments and Memo if on the fly or from a Template. |
6783 | Unable to Receive Goods in POP if your Project title is > 60 characters. |
Cashbook | 7089 | Creating Batch Payments for Suppliers without any Cash Book set up gives an exception. |
7307 | Problems saving Foreign Supplier accounts when the 1st Payment group is set to Ebanking. |
7346 | Slow performance when entering Nominal payments or receipts. |
Purchase Ledger | 7229 | Creating a supplier account using the duplicate option throws an error. |
WTE | 6206 / 6830 / 7197 | Week details show incorrectly on Authorising Timesheet entered in a previous week. |
Price Book | 678 | Prices on new price band incorrectly linked to standard price band. |
2042 | Cannot assign a price band value to an item moved from a product group using markup. |
2091 | Use Std tick box being added incorrectly and not being removed when it should be. |
Sales Ledger | 960 | Cannot delete a Sales Ledger account with SOP Delivery Addresses. |
7362 / 7445 | Customer Statements (Statements to Printer) does not show criteria Dialog box. |
7285 | Unable to save credit note if customer has exceeded their credit limit. |
3030 / 3791 / 6976 | EC Sales List file path cannot exceed 60 characters. |
Stock Control | 1251 | Import stock record does not pick up Product Group landed cost settings. |
7054 | In 200 2016 the stock item part ref is pulling through to the Address field. |
6536 | Error creating window handle when amending 25+ stock records. |
2709 | Export Stock Record gets Out of Memory error and closes out. |
6036 | To save the data you must enter a write off category. Loop when writing off stock.. |
6868 | Importing a product record ignores the Label printing option of the Product Group. |
Excel Reporting | 6780 / 7276 | Excel changes dates that have times to mm/dd (US Date Format) from dd/mm (UK Date Format). |
Nominal Ledger | 1432 | Nominal drilldown on grouped cash book transactions only shows details of one of the entries. |
7239 | Cost price difference posting not posted to correct nominal code on non-base currency purchase order. |
6607 | Only able to amend the first line of a Journal Template. |
6646 | NL Correct Transactions Reversal doesn't work if trying to reverse a transaction is a closed period. |
Invoicing | 2958 | Slow performance recording invoices with Shortfalls. |
7377 | Amendments not saved when deleting lines from a credit note. |
2968 | Can't change the due date when entering an invoice. |
3456 | Disputed Invoice and associated Credit are both posted with the date of the Credit Note. |
BOM | 3559 | Unable to allocate stock to a particular BOM. |
7107 | Clicking between sequence number causes pop-up alert. |
7016 | Can't run or edit BOM costing report in 2016. |
7438 / 7353 | Record Built Item - Imported stock records not populating all tables. |
Reporting | 4546 | Transaction Date criteria do not work correctly for Last Financial Year. |
5907 | Unable to delete saved criteria set - error 'The directory name is invalid'. |
6953 | Sage Report Designer wont open when using edit button on report preview. |
Manufacturing | 4842 | Stock codes changed from\to Bulk Issue not changing in WO. |
Purchase Order Processing | 6030 | Save and generate purchase order. Purchase order not immediately created if supplier is on hold. |
6048 | Purchase Order with multiple delivery dates - Cannot update Field POPOrderReturnLineDBKey. |
6887 | Tab order is inconsistant when recording a PO invoice. |
General | 5206 | Not Able to Add Person to Company Outside Context of A Company. |
7447 | User Access - Timeout error when trying to open. |
2643 | Active user shows logged in to the first dataset regardless. |
6468 | Certain scenario makes other desktop applications pop up in front of Sage 200. |
7069 | General usage of Sage 200 Standard raises more memory than it releases. |
6794 | Sage.MMS.Desktop.Common.Resources.dll grows in size and will eventually cause crash. |
Fixed Assets | 7022 | Import Fixed Asset - DateAcquired field requires date in US date format. |
Sales Order Processing | 5345 | Cannot set the value of the field (.Description). |
6792 | From within View order you are unable to select which invoice you would like to print. |
7059 | Copy and paste to free text item description causes odd behaviour. |
5437 | It is possible to create or amend a Sales Order to save without a valid Document Date. |
5893 | Print Option in SOP History Un-usable if Order has Multiple Invoices. |
5966 | Entering a trade order causes out of memory exception. |
6230 | Cancelling conversion of a Prospect quote to an Order results in a complete Quote but no order. |
UI | 6466 | List view sort doesn't retain whilst using the program. |
7528 | Choose Layouts Dialog stops working with greater than 255 layouts in list. |
6605 | Certain list views don't save width customisations. |