Automatic enrolment letters

Throughout automatic enrolment, each employee is likely to receive a number of different letters at different times throughout the process.

You can use the Pensions Module to find out what correspondence you need to send to each employee and when. You can then track what letters you've sent out and when you sent them. Read more >

LetterWho do I send it to?When should I send it?Example
Automatic Enrolment Jobholder LetterAny employee who is automatically enrolled.Within the six weeks after the date the employee was enrolled.View PDF
Automatic Enrolment General Notice
  • All employees who you employ at the company's duties start date. This includes employees who are on hold, or are taking statutory leave.

After this you need to send it to:

  • New starters on their first day of employment.
  • Employees on their 16th birthday.

If you apply company postponement, you need to send the Company Postponement Letter at your company's duties start date instead.

Within six weeks of their right to opt in or join.
For employees already in a qualifying pension scheme, you need to send this within two calendar months of your company's duties start date.
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Automatic Enrolment Company Postponement LetterAll employees who you employ at the company duties start date, if you apply company postponement. This includes employees who are on hold or are are taking statutory leave.Within six weeks of your company's duties start date.View PDF
Automatic Enrolment Eligible Postponement LetterAny employee for who you postpone assessment.Within the six weeks after the employee has become eligible for automatic enrolment. You must send this every time the employee's assessment is postponed.View PDF
Automatic Enrolment Employee Contribution IncreaseSend this letter to any employees who are part of a qualifying scheme under Automatic Enrolment to advise them of the increase of the minimum contribution rates. To run this report, click Reports then click Employee then select the Automatic Enrolment Employee Contribution Increase letter.No legal requirement to send to employees. The Pensions Regulator advise that it's good practice and something you may want to consider doing prior to the increase in minimum contributions coming into effect on 6 April 2019.View PDF
Automatic Enrolment Re-enrolment NoticeAny employees whoyou assess and enrol during re-enrolment.You must write to any employees that you re-enrol, within six weeks of your re-enrolment date.View PDF

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