Set up your pay elements for pension contributions

You can set whether your pay elements are included or excluded from your pension scheme calculations. It's important that you set this up correctly so that pension contributions are accurate.

If you're unsure which payments should be pensionable, contact your pension provider for advice.

Let's see how to set this now.

  1. Click Company then click Pay Elements.
  2. Click the required payment then click Edit.
  3. If the payment counts towards Qualifying Earnings, select the Qualifying Earnings check box.
    TIP: This option sets whether the Pension Assessment uses these earnings to assess the employee's worker status. For further information on Qualifying Earnings, see paragraph 38 of >
  4. If the payment should be pensionable, select the following check boxes:
    • Pension (Main)
    • Pension (AVC) - This is an additional voluntary contribution made by the employee
    • Salary Sacrifice (Pension Only) - select this to include the payment in calculations for a salary sacrifice pension scheme
  5. Click OK.
Repeat these steps for each pay element.

Your software uses the settings you’ve entered to calculate pension contributions from the next period you process.

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