| Sage 200 Report Designer - Common filters and expressions |
Description | Within Sage Report Designer you can create filters and expressions. NOTE: When using dates within expressions or filters, you must enter the date in the format #dd/mm/yyyy#, for example, #13/05/2012#.
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Resolution | You can create various types of filter, including report, section and conditional filters. For further information about creating these filter types, please refer to the following articles:
200427112302665 - Report Designer - To create or edit filters 200427112305887 - Report Designer - How to apply conditional formatting to a variable 200427112303520 - Report Designer - How to use operators NOTE: When entering filter values, text values must be surrounded by quotation marks. A numeric value doesn't need to be surrounded.
To show only outstanding transactions on a report.SLPostedCustomerTrans.OutstandingValue <> 0 or PLPostedSupplierTrans.OutstandingValue <> 0
To exclude Customers or Suppliers with a zero balanceSLCustomerAccounts.AccountBalance <> 0 or PLSupplierAccounts.AccountBalance <> 0
To pick up Customers or Suppliers where the balance has exceeded the credit limitSLCustomerAccounts.AccountBalance <> SLCustomerAccounts.CreditLimit or PLSupplierAccounts.AccountBalance <> PLSupplierAccounts.CreditLimit
To pick up invoices over a certain value on Supplier or Customer reports, for example, Supplier or Customer invoices over £100SLPostedCustomerTrans.NetValue > 100 or PLPostedSupplierTrans.NetValue > 100
To only show Customers or Suppliers who have terms agreed on there account.The terms agreed is a flag with 0 meaning the terms are not agreed and 1 meaning they have been. SLCustomerAccounts.TermsAgreed = 1 or PLSupplierAccounts.TermsAgreed = 1
To only include lines that have a reference which begins with a set text.In this example the text always starts with ABC, however it would work for any other text. The percentage sign allows the reference to contain any text after the ABC NLPostedNominalTrans.Reference like "ABC%"
To exclude accounts flagged as inactiveYou can use 1 of 2 available fields to achieve this. The active flag or the active text StockItems.StockItemStatusID=1 or StockItems.Status like "Inactive"
To only show lines when the despatched quantity does not equal the order quantity(SOPOrderReturnLines.LineQuantity - SOPOrderReturnLines.DespatchReceiptQuantity) <> 0
NOTE: For information about adding expressions, please refer to article 200427112303466. For information about using functions within expressions, please refer to article 200427112232601.
TIP: Within Report Designer you can also use If statements within expressions. These are used to return different values depending on the condition specified. For further information about If statements, please refer to article 200427112244426.
To show the VAT element of the outstanding balanceThis will only be correct if the full amount is outstanding SLPostedCustomerTrans.OutstandingValue - ((SLPostedCustomerTrans.OutstandingValue * SLPostedCustomerTrans.BaseNetValue) / SLPostedCustomerTrans.BaseGrossValue)
To show agents commission based on the net amountIn this example the commission is calculated at 10%. SLPostedCustomerTrans.BaseNetValue* 0.10
To show the first name and surname of a contact name as separate fieldsTo show the first name from the Customer contact name: Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName,0,IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName," "))
To show the surname from the Customer contact name: Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName,IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName," "), (Length(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName)-IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName," ")))
To show the first name from the Customer contact name and add a comma: Concat(Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName,0,IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName," ")) ,",") The Concat( ) function is used to combine the first name of the contact name with a comma. The Substring( ) function is used to extract the first name from the SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName. The IndexOf( ) function is used to make the Substring function return all information before the first space in the contact name. TIP: For Supplier contact names, replace SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName with PLSupplierAccounts.ContactName.
To change the case used for the Customer contact nameTo change the Customer contact name to initial capitals, regardless of whether it was entered in all capitals or all lower case: NOTE: This expression only works correctly with a first name and surname in the contact name box. It does not work if the contact name includes a middle name, or if it has only one name.
ToUpper(Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, 0,1)) + ToLower(Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, 1, (IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, " ")))) + ToUpper(Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, (IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName," " )+1),1)) + ToLower(Substring(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, (IndexOf(SLCustomerAccounts.ContactName, " ")+2)))
To show only the end of a value, for example, the last 3 charactersSubstring(SLCustomerAccounts.AnalysisCode1,Length(SLCustomerAccounts.AnalysisCode1) - 3)
This calculates the length of the string, in this example the analysis 1 value, and then instructs the substring to start 3 digits from the end, that is, the length minus 3.
To add the invoice payment due date to an invoice based on a fixed number of days, for example, 30 daysSOPInvoiceCredits.DocumentDate + Days(30)
To add the invoice payment due date based on the terms from the Customer recordSOPInvoiceCredits.DocumentDate + SLCustomerAccounts.PaymentTermsInDays
To show the profit based on the costProfit / Cost * 100
To show the profit based on salesProfit / Sales * 100
To show a numeric value in an email subjectIn the email settings of a document, to show a numeric value in the email subject you can use the CString() function, however this removes zeros after the decimal place, for example, 100.00 appears as 100 and 100.20 appears as 100.2. If required, you can use an if statement expression to show the zeros. This example uses the sales ledger balance but you can use different amount variables as required. FormatString ("{0:N2}",SLCustomerAccounts.AccountBalance)
To show the ratio between two values as a percentageFormatString ("{0:P2}", Value1/Value2))
To show a value with a currency symbol if there is one or else the currency codeThis example uses the gross amount but you can use different amount variables as required. FormatString("{0},{1:N2}", (SYSCurrencies.Symbol!="" ? SYSCurrencies.Symbol : SYSCurrencies.Symbol + " "), SLPostedCustomerTrans.BaseGrossValue)
NOTE: The Sign properties of this expression must be set to signed.
To replace the decimal separator with a comma, for example, when displaying foreign currenciesThis example uses the gross amount but you can use different amount variables as required. Replace( FormatString("{0:f2}", SLPostedCustomerTrans.GoodsValueInAccountCurrency), "." , "," )
The FormatString specifier 'f2' gives a string fixed to two decimal places. You can change this if required. The above expression only works if it's set to Signed. To show the values as Unsigned, Debit or Credit, you must include this in the expression, but leave the Properties set to Signed, for example: - Replace( FormatString("{0:f2}", Unsigned(SLPostedCustomerTrans.GoodsValueInAccountCurrency)), "." , "," )
- Replace( FormatString("{0:f2}", Debit(SLPostedCustomerTrans.GoodsValueInAccountCurrency)), "." , "," )
- Replace( FormatString("{0:f2}", Credit(SLPostedCustomerTrans.GoodsValueInAccountCurrency)), "." , "," )
NOTE: For information about adding expressions, please refer to article 200427112303466. For information about using functions within expressions, please refer to article 200427112232601.
TIP: Within Report Designer you can also use If statements within expressions. These are used to return different values depending on the condition specified. For further information about If statements, please refer to article 200427112244426.
You can use expressions to change the date formats used on your reports or to calculate other dates or values based on a date. Below are some examples: For example, to show the end of the month that a transaction is dated in. CreateDateTime(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), DaysInMonth(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate)))
For example, if the transaction date is 12/11/12, the expression shows 30/11/12.
For example, an invoice due date may be the end of the month following the invoice date. To show this: MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate) < 12 ? CreateDateTime( YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate)+1, DaysInMonth (YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate) +1) ) : CreateDateTime(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate)+1, 1, 31)
For example, if the invoice date is 12/11/12, the expression shows 31/12/12.
SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate + ((DaysInMonth(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate)))) - (StringToInteger(DateTimeToFormattedString(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate, "dd"))) +1
For example, an invoice due date may be the 20th of the month following the invoice date. The following expression shows this due date: CreateDateTime(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), DaysInMonth(YearFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate), MonthFromDate(SLPostedCustomerTrans.TransactionDate))) + 20
For example, if the invoice date is 12/11/12, the expression shows 20/12/12.
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