How do I create subcontractor records in Sage 50 CIS v2?

Once you activate the Sage 50 CIS v2 module, it's quick and easy to create new subcontractor records. Let's get started.

TIP: If you have an existing supplier record for your subcontractor, you can simply add the CIS details to the record. 

  1. Click Subcontractors then click New.


  2. In the A/C box, type the account reference then enter any company details you have.

  3. Click CIS, then click Add CIS subcontractor details and enter the CIS details for the subcontractor.

  4. Click Save then click Close.

TIP: To save the record you must enter either the trading name or a first name and surname. To verify the details online, you must also enter the UTR which is 10 digits long.

Your new subcontractor record appears in both the Subcontractors module and the Suppliers module. If you haven't already, your next step is to verify the subcontractor. If you did this as part of entering your CIS details, you're all set to start processing your CIS transactions

You can also find out more about the CIS v2 module in the CIS Help Centre.

[BCB:278:UKI - Personal content block - Steph:ECB]  [BCB:103:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Construction Industry Scheme:ECB]



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