| Sage 200 Report Designer - Coded Variables |
Description | NOTE: Depending on the version of Sage 200 you are using, not all coded variables may be available.
Sage Report Designer contains many variables that have coded values. These denote fields that are updated by your software, or are updated when chosen from a drop-down list. There are two types of coded variable: - The coded variables where 1 is true and 0 is false - many coded variables in Sage 200 only have two possible options, either true or false. For example, adding a stock item into the Alternatives tab of a stock record and setting it to preferred.
- The coded variables where there are a range of available codes for each variable - many coded variables offer a range of options to choose from. For example, you can select the salutation when adding customer contacts from a list of several options.
TIP: An example of this would be Salutations.SalutationID = 1 would show only those with a Code or Description of 'Mr.' or Salutations.Description Like 'Mr.' will do the same also.
These variables can be used in a variety of ways in report / section filters / expressions, to include or exclude records of your choice. This article lists the coded variables available from each table within Report Designer. |
Resolution | Coded VariablesAlternativeItemsVariable | Code/Text |
Preferred | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
AnalysisCodesVariable | Code/Text |
AllowOvertype | 1 or 0 (True or False) | AllowNewOnEntry | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
AnalysisCodeMappingsVariable | Code/Text |
IsMandatory | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
AnalysisCodeValuesVariable | Code/Text |
IsDefault | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
AuthorisationStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
AuthorisationStatusID | 0 | Not required | 1 | Not authorised | 2 | Authorised | 3 | Queried |
BackToBackStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
BackToBackStatusID | 0 | PO not required | 1 | PO required | 2 | PO not generated | 3 | PO generated | 4 | Fulfilled |
BalancePeriodsVariable | ID | BalancePeriodName |
BalancePeriodID | 0 | This Period | 1 | Last Period |
BLAmountOrPrecentagesVariable | ID | Name |
BLAmountOrPrecentageID | 0 | Amount | 1 | Percentage |
BLBillsVariable | Code/Text |
UseInvoiceAddressAsDeliveryAddress | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
BLBillHeaderStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BLBillHeaderStatusTypeID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Not Saved | 2 | Printed | 3 | Temporary | 4 | Finalised |
BLBillLineTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BLBillLineTypeID | 0 | Value Line | 1 | Private Comment Line | 2 | Public Comment Line | 3 | Value Line Finalise |
BLBillTemplatesVariable | Code/Text |
IsActive | 1 or 0 (True or False) | IsDefault | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
BLClausesVariable | Code/Text |
IncludeNegativeEntries | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
BLContractsVariable | Code/Text |
ConsolidateBills | 1 or 0 (True or False) | IsContractTemplate | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
BLDetailOrSummaryTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BLDetailOrSummaryTypeID | 0 | Detail | 1 | Summary |
BLDetailOrSummaryTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BLDiscountOrSurchargeID | 0 | discount | 1 | Surcharge |
BLEventStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BLEventStatusTypeID | 0 | Held | 1 | Complete | 2 | Force | 3 | Evaluate |
BomAllocationStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
BomAllocationStatusID | 0 | Outstanding | 1 | Completed | 2 | Cancelled | 3 | Temporary |
BomBuildPackageTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BomBuildPackageTypeID | 0 | Build | 1 | Salvage |
BomBuildSessionStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
BomBuildSessionStatusID | 0 | Built | 1 | Built Cannot Reverse |
BomBuildSessionTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BomBuildSessionTypeID | 0 | Unspecified | 1 | Record Build | 1 | Confirm Build |
BomComponentLineTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BomComponentLineTypeID | 0 | Component | 1 | Phantom | 2 | Subassembly | 3 | Comment | 4 | Document |
BomCostTypesVariable | ID | Description |
BomCostTypes | 0 | Component | 1 | Bill of Material | 2 | Operation | 3 | Subcontract |
BomHistoryTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BomHistoryTypeID | 0 | Created | 1 | Amended | 2 | Deleted | 3 | CheckedOut | 4 | CheckedIn | 5 | UndoCheckOut | 6 | PutOnHold | 7 | ReleaseFromHold | 8 | Activate | 9 | MakeObsolete | 10 | Retired |
BomOperationLineTypesVariable | ID | Name |
BomOperationLineTypeID | 0 | Operation | 1 | Subcontract | 2 | Comment | 3 | Document |
BomVersionStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
BomVersionStatusID | 0 | New | 1 | Active | 2 | Obsolete | 3 | Retired | 4 | Hidden |
CBAccountMemosVariable | Code/Text |
Active | 0 or 1 (True or False) |
CBAccountTypesVariable | ID | Description |
CBAccountTypeID | 0 | Current | 1 | Deposit |
CBDirectDebitDocumentTypesVariable | ID | Description |
CBDirectDebitDocumentTypeID | 0 | SalesReceiptStandingOrder | 2 | PurchasePaymentStandingOrder | 3 | NominalReceiptWithoutTaxStandingOrder | 4 | NominalPaymentWithTaxStandingOrder | 5 | NominalReceiptWithTaxStandingOrder | 6 | SalesReceiptDirectDebit | 7 | PurchasePaymentDirectDebit | 8 | NominalPaymentWithoutTaxDirectDebit | 9 | NominalReceiptWithoutTaxDirectDebit | 10 | NominalPaymentWithTaxDirectDebit | 11 | NominalReceiptWithTaxDirectDebit |
CBDirectDebtiTransVariable | ID | Description |
CBDirectDebitTranTypeID | 0 | BP DD | 1 | BP SO | 2 | BR DD | 3 | BR SO |
CBPaymentFrequenciesVariable | ID | Description |
CBPaymentFrequencyID | 0 | Month | 1 | Quarterly | 2 | Other |
CBPostedAccountTransVariable | ID | Description |
CBPaymentFrequencyID | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Opening Balance | 2 | Receipt | 3 | Payment | 4 | Direct Debit | 5 | Standing Order | 6 | Cancelled Payment | 7 | Cancelled Receipt |
ConfirmationIntentTypesVariable | ID | Description |
ConfirmationIntentTypeID | 0 | Confirm via Despatch/Receipt | 1 | Confirm | 2 | No Confirmation |
CostingMethodsVariable | ID | Description |
CostingMethodID | 0 | FIFO | 1 | Average | 2 | Standard | 3 | Actual |
CPCardProcessorTranTypesVariable | ID | Name | Description |
CPCardProcessorTranTypeID | 0 | Payment | Payment | 1 | Refund | Refund | 2 | Deferred | Payment | 3 | Repeat | Payment | 4 | RepeatDeferred | Payment | 5 | Release | Payment | 6 | Void | Void | 7 | Abort | Void |
CPLinkedDescriptorsVariable | ID | Description |
CPLinkedDescriptorID | 0 | SLPostedCustomerTran | 1 | SOPOrderReturn |
CRMIntegrationSyncDateTypesVariable | ID | Description |
CRMIntegrationSyncDateTypeID | 0 | All | 1 | DateFrom |
CRMIntegrationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
CRMIntegrationTypeID | 0 | All Entities | 1 | Accounts | 2 | Accounts; Products |
CustomerTypesVariable | ID | Description |
CustomerTypeID | 0 | Cash | 1 | Credit | 2 | Prospect |
DefaultPricingSourceTypesVariable | ID | Description |
DefaultPricingSourceTypeID | 0 | Last Buying Price | 1 | List Price |
DiscountTypesVariable | ID | Description |
DiscountTypeID | 0 | Percentage | 1 | Amount | 2 | Fixed price |
DocumentPrintStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
DocumentPrintStatusID | 0 | Not printed | 1 | Printed | 2 | Amended since last printed |
DocumentStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
DocumentStatusID | 0 | Live | 1 | On hold | 2 | Completed | 3 | Disputed | 4 | Cancelled |
EntrySourcesVariable | ID | Description |
EntrySourceID | 0 | Stock | 1 | SOP | 2 | POP | 3 | BOM | 4 | Manual |
EventLogTypesVariable | ID | Description |
EventLogTypeID | 0 | Information | 1 | Exception | 2 | Error |
FAAssetTransactionTypesVariable | ID | Description |
FAAssetTransactionTypeID | 1 | Depreciation | 2 | Disposal | 3 | Deletion |
FADepreciationMethodsVariable | ID | Description |
FADepreciationMethodID | 1 | Annual Straight Line | 2 | Period Straight Line | 3 | Annual Reducing Balance | 4 | Period Reducing Balance |
IntrastatDateTypesVariable | ID | Description |
IntrastatDateTypeID | 0 | Despatch/Receipt Date | 1 | Invoice Date |
IntrastatDestinationTypeVariable | ID | Description |
IntrastatDestinationTypeID | 0 | Despatch | 1 | Arrival | 2 | Both |
IntrastatEntryHeaderStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
IntrastatEntryHeaderStatusID | 0 | Legacy | 1 | Unsubmitted | 2 | Produced |
IntrastatStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
IntrastatStatusID | 0 | Not Required | 1 | Required | 2 | Completed | 3 | In Progress | 4 | Deleted |
INVCustomerUnitPricePrefsVariable | ID | Description |
INVCustomerUnitPricePrefID | 0 | Tax Exclusive | 1 | Tax Inclusive |
INVInvoiceCreditTypesVariable | ID | Description |
INVInvoiceCreditTypeID | 0 | Invoice | 1 | Credit Note |
INVInvoiceStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
INVInvoiceStatusID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Posted | 2 | Ready | 3 | Printed | 4 | Cancelled |
LandedCostTypesVariable | ID | Description |
LandedCostTypeID | 0 | Not Applicable | 1 | Percentage Based | 2 | Value Based |
MachMachineResourceActivityTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MachMachineResourceActivityTypeID | 0 | Calibration | 1 | Service | 2 | Repair |
MFGSubstituteTraceableAuditTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MFGSubstituteTraceableAuditTypeID | 1 | Swap | 2 | Change Assembly | 3 | Add Component (From Stock/WO | 4 | Return To Stock | 5 | Scrap |
ModeOfTransportsVariable | ID | Description |
ModeOfTransportID | 0 | Sea | 1 | Rail | 2 | Road | 3 | Air | 4 | Post | 5 | Fixed Transport Installation | 6 | Inland Waterway | 7 | Own Propulsion |
MovementBalanceTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MovementBalanceTypeID | 0 | Confirmed | 1 | Not confirmed | 2 | Shortfall | 3 | Unconfrimed return |
MRPReplenishmentRulesTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MRPReplenishmentRulesTypeID | 0 | Exact quantity | 1 | Supplier minimum order quantity | 2 | Multiple of supplier minimum order quantity | 3 | Supplier usual order quantity | 4 | Multiples of given quantity subject to supplier minimum order quantity |
MseWarehousesVariable | Code/Text |
IsComponentSource | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
MseWarehouseItemsVariable | Code/Text |
IsDefaultWorksOrderWarehouse | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
MsmCostHeadingTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmCostHeadingTypeID | 0 | Materials | 1 | Labour | 2 | Machine | 3 | Subcontract | 4 | Tooling | 5 | StandardMaterialCost | 999 | UserDefined |
MsmDesktopElementFormTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmDesktopElementFormTypeID | 1 | Modeless | 2 | Modal | 3 | Hosted | 4 | Command |
MsmDesktopElementSourceTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmDesktopElementSourceTypeID | 1 | 3rd Party | 2 | Standard |
MsmDesktopElementTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmDesktopElementTypeID | 1 | Command | 2 | StackBar | 3 | TaskStackBarItem | 4 | LinkStackBarItem | 5 | Toolbar | 6 | Menu | 7 | FormToolbar | 8 | FormMenu |
MsmPeriodFrequenciesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmPeriodFrequencyID | 0 | Hours | 1 | Days | 2 | Weeks | 3 | Fortnights | 4 | Months | 5 | Quarters | 6 | Years |
MsmSearchConditionsVariable | ID | Description |
MsmSearchConditionID | 0 | Equals | 1 | Greater Than | 2 | Greater Than Or Equal | 3 | Less Than | 4 | Less Than Or Equal | 5 | Like | 6 | Not Equal | 7 | Not Like |
MsmSearchJoinTypesVariable | ID | Description |
MsmSearchJoinTypeID | 0 | Where | 1 | And | 2 | Or |
MsmSmartLinksVariable | ID | Description |
MsmSmartLinkID | 1 | Labour.ViewLabourResourceForm | 2 | Nominal.ViewNominalForm | 3 | Labour.ViewLabourResourceResourceForm | 4 | Operations.ViewOperationsResourceForm | 5 | Machines.ViewMachineResourceForm | 6 | Tools.ViewToolResourceForm | 7 | Stock.ViewStockItemForm |
NLAccountReportTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLAccountReportTypeID | 0 | Balance Sheet | 1 | Cash Flow | 2 | Profit and Loss |
NLAccountTypesVariable | ID | Text | Description |
NLAccountTypeID | 0 | P | Posting | 1 | G | Group | 2 | M | Memo |
NLAnnualBudgetApportProfilesVariable | ID | Description |
NLAnnualBudgetApportProfileID | 0 | Budget profile 1 | 1 | Budget profile 2 | 2 | Budget profile 3 |
NLAnnualBudgetTitlesVariable | ID | YearRelativeToCurrentYear | BudgetTitle |
NLAnnualBudgetTitleID | 1 | 1 | Next Year | 2 | 0 | Current Year | 3 | -1 | Last Year | 4 | -2 | 2 Years Ago | 5 | -3 | 3 Years Ago | 6 | -4 | 4 Years Ago | 7 | -5 | 5 Years Ago |
NLAnnualBudgetTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLAnnualBudgetTypeID | 0 | No Budget | 1 | Monthly Budget | 2 | Annual Budget | 3 | Group Budget | 4 | Profiled Budget |
NLDefaultNominalAccountsVariable | ID | Description |
NLDefaultNominalAccountID | 0 | Creditors' Control | 1 | Debtors' Control | 2 | Unauthorised Purchases | 3 | Bank Account | 4 | Default VAT Input | 5 | Default VAT Output | 6 | Bad Debt Provision | 7 | Prepayments | 8 | Accruals | 9 | Accumulated Profit | 10 | Project Accounting Control | 11 | Work in Progress | 12 | Sales Retentions | 13 | Purchase Retentions | 14 | At Cost (Fixed Assets) | 15 | Accumulated Depreciation | 16 | HP/Lease Obligation | 17 | Sales Asset Control | 18 | Purchase Asset Control | 19 | Revaluation Reserve | 20 | Stock | 21 | Suspense Account | 22 | Exchange Differences | 23 | Bank Charges | 24 | Discount Allowed | 25 | Discount Taken | 26 | Default Sales | 27 | Default Purchases | 28 | Bad Debt Write Off | 29 | Bad Debt Expense | 30 | Finance Charges | 33 | PAYE (Project Accounting) | 34 | Net Pay (Project Accounting) | 35 | Depreciation | 36 | P&L on Disposals | 37 | Cost of Sales | 38 | Stock Issues | 39 | Stock Write Offs |
NLFinancialReportLineTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLFinancialReportLineTypeID | 0 | Text | 1 | Sub Total | 2 | Account Group (Single) | 3 | Account Group (Multiple) | 4 | Current Period Profit |
NLJournalTemplateTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLJournalTemplateTypeID | 0 | Accounts only | 1 | Percentage | 2 | Value |
NLJournalTranTaxTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLJournalTranTaxTypeID | 0 | Not Applicable | 1 | Input Goods | 2 | Input Tax | 3 | Output Goods | 4 | Output Tax |
NLJournalTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLJournalTypeID | 0 | Single entry | 1 | Reversing entry | 2 | Recurring entry |
NLLayoutDebitOrCreditTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLLayoutDebitOrCreditTypeID | 0 | Blank | 1 | Debit | 2 | Credit |
NLLayoutPositionTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLLayoutPositionTypes | 0 | Blank | 1 | Left | 2 | Right |
NLNominalTranTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLNominalTranTypeID | 0 | General | 1 | Manual | 2 | Prepayment | 3 | Accrual | 4 | PreviousYear | 5 | TaxPayment | 6 | TaxReceipt | 7 | Payment | 8 | Receipt |
NLPendNominalAccountTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLPendNominalAccountTypeID | 0 | Budgets Only | 1 | New Account |
NLReconciliationEnquiryTypesVariable | ID | Description |
NLReconciliationEnquiryTypeID | 0 | Debtors Enquiry | 1 | Creditors Enquiry |
NominalUsagesVariable | ID | Description |
NominalUsageID | 0 | Stock | 1 | Revenue | 2 | Accrued receipts | 3 | Issues |
OpOperationPhasesVariable | ID | Description |
OpOperationPhaseID | 0 | Setup | 1 | Runtime | 2 | Teardown |
OpOperationResourceTypesVariable | ID | Description |
OpOperationResourceTypeID | 0 | Labour Resource | 1 | Labour Resource Group | 2 | Machine Resource | 3 | Machine Resource Group | 4 | Tool Resource | 5 | Tool Resource Group |
OrderReturnLineTypesVariable | ID | Description |
OrderReturnLineTypeID | 0 | Standard item | 1 | Free text item | 2 | Additional charge | 3 | Comment line |
PaymentInvCredLineTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PaymentInvCredLineTypeID | 0 | Receipt Invoice Line | 1 | Credit Invoice Line | 2 | Comment Line | 3 | Credit Note Line |
PaymentInvoiceStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PaymentInvoiceStatusID | 0 | Unprinted | 1 | Printed | 2 | Posted |
PaymentTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PaymentTypeID | 0 | Full | 1 | Part |
PCAnalysisFieldTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PCAnalysisFieldTypeID | 0 | Text | 1 | Numeric | 2 | Date | 3 | Time | 4 | Yes/No | 5 | {Supplier/US} List | 6 | {Customer/US} List | 7 | Product List | 8 | {TimesheetUser/US} List |
PCBillStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PCBillStatusID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Finalised | 2 | Not Billable | 3 | Not Billed |
PCBudgetLevelsVariable | ID | Description |
PCBudgetLevelID | 0 | Project only budgets | 1 | Project and group budgets | 2 | Project, group and cost item budgets |
PCConfigurableTermsVariable | ID | Description |
PCConfigurableTermID | 0 | Project | 1 | Group | 2 | Project Item | 3 | Project Level | 4 | Grouping Level | 5 | Project Item Type | 6 | Customer | 7 | Quantity |
PCConfigurableTermsVariable | ID | Description |
PCCreateProjectPreferenceID | 1 | Create a blank project | 2 | Copy a project template | 3 | Copy a live project | 4 | Create from a quotation | 5 | Create from a sales order | 6 | Copy an archived project |
PCDisplayFeaturesVariable | ID | Name | UseForCostItemType | UseForGroupingLevel | UseForProjectLevel |
PCDisplayFeatureID | 0 | Record item description | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 | Attach files and documents | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 2 | Record memo information | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 3 | Record and track item status | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 4 | Record percentage complete | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 5 | Display overhead uplift rate | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 6 | Display and track cost budgets | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 7 | Display and track cost units | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 8 | Display and allow default expense nominal code to be overridden | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 9 | Display and track revenue budgets | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 11 | Display and allow default revenue nominal code to be overridden | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 12 | Display Time & Materials Pricing information | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 13 | Record customer information | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 14 | Record contact information | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 15 | Record billing schedule | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 16 | Display and allow default WIP nominal code to be overridden | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) | 1 or 0 (True or False) |
PCDisplayFeatureGroupsVariable | ID | Description |
PCDisplayFeatureGroupID | 0 | Record general details | 1 | Display costing information | 2 | Display charging information |
PCEntryPostingStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PCEntryPostingStatusID | 0 | Available For Refund | 2 | Created |
PCEntryTypesVariable | ID | Name |
PCEntryTypeID | 0 | Actual | 1 | Potential |
PCFinancialClassificationsVariable | ID | Description |
PCFinancialClassificationID | 0 | Cost | 1 | Revenue |
PCIntegrationOptionsVariable | ID | Description |
PCIntegrationOptionID | 0 | Purchase Invoices | 1 | Purchase Credits | 2 | Sales Invoices | 3 | Sales Credits | 6 | Nominal Ledger - Nominal Payments | 7 | Nominal Ledger - Nominal Receipts | 8 | Stock Issues | 9 | Stock Returns | 10 | Stock Allocations | 11 | Purchase Order Processing | 12 | Sales Order Processing | 13 | {Project/US} Cost Adjustments | 14 | {Project/US} Revenue Adjustments | 15 | {Project/US} Billing | 16 | {TimeTransaction/UP} | 17 | {ExpenseTransaction/UP} |
PCOverheadUpliftRateModifiersVariable | ID | Description |
PCOverheadUpliftRateModifierID | 0 | Percentage | 1 | Amount | 2 | Not Applicable |
PCPriceModifierTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PCPriceModifierTypeID | 0 | Default | 1 | User Defined | 2 | Read Only |
PCPricingRuleMethodTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PCPricingRuleMethodTypeID | 0 | Not Applicable | 1 | Cost + % | 2 | Cost + Value | 3 | Set Value | 4 | Timesheets charge rate | 5 | Standard Selling Price | 6 | Cost |
PCProjectArchiveStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PCProjectArchiveStatusID | 0 | Live | 1 | Archived |
PCProjectEntryDescriptorsVariable | ID | Key | Name | RevenueType | TransactionType |
PCProjectEntryDescriptorID | 0 | Sales Invoice | Sales Invoice | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SLI | 1 | Sales Credit | Sales Credit | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SLC | 2 | Purchase Invoice | Purchase Invoice | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PLI | 3 | Purchase Credit | Purchase Credit | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PLC | 4 | Nominal Payment | Nominal Payment | 1 or 0 (True or False) | NLP | 5 | Nominal Receipt | Nominal Receipt | 1 or 0 (True or False) | NLR | 6 | Stock Return | Stock Return | 1 or 0 (True or False) | STR | 7 | Stock Issue | Stock Issue | 1 or 0 (True or False) | STI | 8 | Cost Adjustment | Cost Adjustment | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PCA | 9 | Cost Accrual | Cost Accrual | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PAC | 10 | Timesheet Entry | Timesheet Entry | 1 or 0 (True or False) | TSE | 11 | Expense Entry | Expense Entry | 1 or 0 (True or False) | EXP | 12 | Revenue Adjustment | Revenue Adjustment | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PRA | 13 | Stock Allocation | Stock Allocation | 1 or 0 (True or False) | STA | 14 | Purchase Order | Purchase Order | 1 or 0 (True or False) | POO | 15 | Purchase Return | Purchase Return | 1 or 0 (True or False) | POR | 16 | Sales Order | Sales Order | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SOO | 17 | Sales Quote | Sales Quote | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SOQ | 18 | PO Non Stock Received | PO Non Stock Received | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PSR | 19 | PO Non Stock Returned | PO Non Stock Returned | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PSD | 20 | Cost Opening Balance | Cost Opening Balance | 1 or 0 (True or False) | COB | 21 | Revenue Opening Balance | Revenue Opening Balance | 1 or 0 (True or False) | ROB | 22 | Sales Batch Invoice | Sales Batch Invoice | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SBI | 23 | Sales Batch Credit Note | Sales Batch Credit Note | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SBC | 24 | Purchase Batch Invoice | Purchase Batch Invoice | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PBI | 25 | Purchase Batch Credit Note | Purchase Batch Credit Note | 1 or 0 (True or False) | PBC | 26 | Sales Return | Sales Return | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SOR | 27 | Sales Order COS | Sales Order COS | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SOC | 28 | Sales Return COS | Sales Return COS | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SRC | 29 | Sales Quote COS | Sales Quote COS | 1 or 0 (True or False) | SQC | 30 | Confirmed Price Adjustment | Confirmed Price Adjustment | 1 or 0 (True or False) | STP |
PCProjectItemStatusesVariable | ID | Description | AllowCosts | AllowRevenue | AllowDeletion |
PCProjectItemStatusID | 1 |
| True or False | True or False | True or False | 2 | Bid | True or False | True or False | True or False | 3 | Open | True or False | True or False | True or False | 4 | In Progress | True or False | True or False | True or False | 5 | Inactive | True or False | True or False | True or False | 6 | On Hold | True or False | True or False | True or False | 7 | Complete | True or False | True or False | True or False | 8 | Delete | True or False | True or False | True or False |
PCProjectItemStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PCProjectItemTypeID | 0 | Project | 1 | Group | 2 | Item | 3 | ProjectTemplate |
PCProjectItemStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
PCProjectLevelBillingMethodID | 0 | Time & Materials | 1 | Fixed Price | 2 | Costs Plus | 3 | Non-Productive |
PCTimeMaterialsPriceRulesVariable | ID | Description |
PCTimeMaterialsPriceRuleID | 1 | Charge Rate | 2 | Standard Price | 3 | Cost | 4 | Non Chargeable |
PLAllocationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PLAllocationTypeID | 0 | Manual Payment | 1 | Reverse Posting | 2 | Automatic Allocation | 3 | Small Values Write Off | 4 | Manual Remittance Cheque | 5 | Contra Entry | 6 | Automatic Remittance Cheque | 7 | Manual Notification | 8 | Manual Opening Balance | 9 | Manual Receipt |
PLPaymentDocumentTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PLPaymentDocumentTypeID | 0 | Remittance & Cheque | 1 | Remittance Only (Paper) | 2 | Cheque Only | 3 | Electronic Payment | 4 | Electronic Payment & Remittance (Paper) | 5 | Remittance Only (Email) | 6 | Electronic Payment & Remittance (Email) |
POPAuthAuditEventTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPAuthAuditEventTypeID | 0 | Rule | 1 | Order created | 2 | Order amended | 3 | Order authorised | 4 | Order printed | 5 | Query respond | 6 | Notify | 7 | Super authority | 8 | Alternative authority | 9 | Authoriser Amended |
POPAuthPrincipalContentTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPAuthPrincipalContentTypeID | 0 | Anyone | 1 | User | 2 | Role | 3 | Other | 4 | Unknown |
POPAuthRoleTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPAuthRoleTypeID | 0 | Authoriser | 1 | Originator |
POPInvoiceCreditTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPInvoiceCreditTypeID | 0 | Invoice | 1 | Credit Note | 2 | T e-Mail Invoice | 3 | T e-Mail Credit |
POPOrderGenerationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPOrderGenerationTypeID | 0 | Use Generate Orders | 1 | Use MRP | 2 | Use Both Methods |
POPOrderNotificationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPOrderNotificationTypeID | 0 | Unknown | 1 | General | 2 | Authorisation | 3 | Query | 4 | Order Originator |
POPOrderReturnLineAddrTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPOrderReturnLineAddrTypeID | 0 | None | 1 | Customer | 2 | Supplier | 3 | FreeText | 4 | Other |
POPOrderReturnTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPOrderReturnTypeID | 0 | Purchase Order | 1 | Purchase Return |
POPRcptRtnLineSourcesVariable | ID | Description |
POPRcptRtnLineSourceID | 0 | GRN | 1 | Invoice or Credit |
POPReceiptReturnTypesVariable | ID | Description |
POPReceiptReturnTypeID | 0 | Receipt | 1 | Despatch |
POPReorderLineStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
POPReorderLineStatusID | 0 | Purchase | 1 | Hold | 2 | Reject |
POPToReorderItemStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
POPToReorderItemStatusID | 0 | None | 1 | Part | 2 | All |
PSCondOperatorTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PSCondOperatorTypeID | 0 | Equal | 1 | GreaterThan | 2 | GreaterThanOrEqual | 3 | LessThan | 4 | LessThanOrEqual | 5 | Like | 6 | NotEqual | 7 | NotLike |
PSLogicalOperatorTypesVariable | ID | Description |
PSLogicalOperatorTypeID | 0 | And | 1 | Or |
SalutationsVariable | ID | IsDefault | Code | Description |
SalutationID | 0 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Blank | Blank | 1 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Mr. | Mr. | 2 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Miss | Miss | 3 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Mrs. | Mrs. | 4 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Ms. | Ms. | 5 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Prof. | Prof. | 6 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Dr. | Dr. | 7 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Master | Master | 8 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Sir | Sir | 9 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Fr. | Fr. | 10 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Capt. | Capt. | 11 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Lord | Lord | 12 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Lady | Lady | 13 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | RtHon. | Rt Hon. | 14 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Cllr. | Cllr. | 15 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Rev. | Rev. | 16 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | VeryRev. | Very Rev. | 18 | 1 or 0 (True or False) | Mx | Mx |
ShowOnPickingListTypesVariable | ID | Description |
ShowOnPickingListTypeID | 0 | Do Not Show | 1 | Show As Usual | 2 | Show Though Excluded |
SLAllocationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SLAllocationTypeID | 0 | Manual Receipt | 1 | Write Off | 2 | Reverse Posting | 3 | Automatic Allocation | 4 | Small Values Write Off | 5 | Contra Entry | 6 | Free Text Invoice | 7 | Reverse Finance Charge | 8 | Manual Notification | 9 | Manual Opening Balance | 10 | Manual Payment |
SLDateToUseForAgeingsVariable | ID | Description |
SLDateToUseForAgeingID | 0 | Use Instrument Date | 1 | Use Due Date | 2 | Use Ledger Period |
SLDocumentMessageUsedForsVariable | ID | Description |
SLDocumentMessageUsedForID | 0 | Statements and letters | 1 | Letters | 2 | Statements |
SLOfficeTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SLOfficeTypeID | 0 | Independent | 1 | Branch | 2 | Head Office | 3 | Independent No Statement | 4 | Head Office No Statement |
SLReportMessageTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SLReportMessageTypeID | 0 | Both | 1 | Statements | 2 | Letters |
SLTranToShowOnStatementsVariable | ID | Description |
SLTranToShowOnStatementsID | 0 | All transactions | 1 | Oustanding transactions only | 2 | Outstanding plus all from specified date |
SOPDespatchReceiptTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPDespatchReceiptTypeID | 0 | Despatch Note | 1 | Receipt |
SOPInvoiceCreditTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPInvoiceCreditTypeID | 0 | Invoice | 1 | Credit Note | 2 | T e-Mail Invoice | 3 | T e-Mail Credit | 4 | Tax Only Invoice | 5 | Tax Only Credit |
SOPOrderEntryTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPOrderEntryTypeID | 0 | Full Order Entry | 1 | Rapid Order Entry | 2 | Trade Counter Entry |
SOPOrderEntryTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPOrderFulfilmentMethodID | 0 | From Stock | 1 | Supplier Via Stock | 2 | Direct To Customer |
SOPOrderReturnTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPOrderReturnTypeID | 0 | Sales Order | 1 | Sales Return | 2 | Pro Forma Invoice | 3 | Quotation | 4 | Repeat Template | 5 | Tax Only Invoice | 6 | Tax Only Credit Note | 7 | T e-Mail Order | 8 | Invoice | 9 | Credit Note |
SOPPartialAllocationTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPPartialAllocationTypeID | 0 | Always | 1 | Full Order Line | 2 | Full Order |
SOPPrintEUZeroRatedSalesOptionsVariable | ID | Description |
SOPPrintEUZeroRatedSalesOptionID | 0 | Zero Rated Intra EC Supply | 1 | This is an Intra Community Supply | 2 | Intra Community Supply subject to VAT in the country of acquisition |
SOPRCInvoiceOptionsVariable | ID | Description |
SOPRCInvoiceOptionID | 0 | VAT Act 1994 Section 55A applies | 1 | s55A VATA 94 applies | 2 | customer to account for the VAT to HMRC | 3 | Reverse charge supply - customer to pay the VAT to HMRC | 4 | customer to pay VAT to HMRC | 5 | UK customer to pay VAT to HMRC |
SOPRepeatOrderTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SOPRepeatOrderTypeID | 0 | Specified count | 1 | Specified expiry date | 2 | Indefinite |
SourceAreaTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SourceAreaTypeID | 0 | Supplier | 1 | Customer | 2 | Internal | 3 | Write Off | 4 | Opening Balance | 5 | BOM |
STKAutoGenerateOptionTypesVariable | ID | Description |
STKAutoGenerateOptionTypeID | 0 | No automatic number generation | 1 | Use sequence numbers | 2 | Use date and sequence numbers | 3 | User order number and sequence number |
STKAutoGenerateSeparatorsVariable | ID | Name | SeperatorCharacter |
STKAutoGenerateSeparatorID | 1 | None |
| 2 | Space |
| 3 | Colon | : | 4 | Forward slash | / | 5 | Backward slash | \ | 6 | Dot | . | 7 | Hyphen | - |
STKDiscrepancyStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
STKDiscrepancyStatusID | 0 | No Discrepancy | 1 | Discrepancy Found | 2 | Discrepancy Resolved |
STKFulfilmentSequenceTypesVariable | ID | Description |
STKFulfilmentSequenceTypeID | 0 | Bin Priority | 1 | Smallest Quantity First | 2 | Largest Quantity First | 3 | Oldest Sell By Date | 4 | Oldest Use By Date | 5 | Earliest FIFO Movement Date |
STKLabelPrintingOptionTypesVariable | ID | Description |
STKLabelPrintingOptionTypeID | 0 | Label not required | 1 | Label required per item | 2 | Label required per batch |
STKShelfLifeTypesVariable | ID | Description |
STKShelfLifeTypeID | 0 | Days | 1 | Weeks | 2 | Months | 3 | Years |
StockItemStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
StockItemStatusID | 0 | Active | 1 | Inactive |
StockItemTypesVariable | ID | Description |
StockItemTypeID | 0 | Stock | 1 | Miscellaneous | 2 | Service/Labour | 3 | Undefined | 4 | SOPItemDespatched | 5 | SOPItemNotDespatched |
StocktakeSelectorsVariable | ID | Description |
StocktakeSelectorID | 0 | Average buying price | 1 | Total value of stock |
StocktakeStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
StocktakeStatusID | 0 | No stocktake | 1 | Selecting items | 2 | Sheets printed | 3 | Entering counts | 4 | Complete |
StocktakeTypesVariable | ID | Description |
StocktakeTypeID | 0 | By Stock Item | 1 | By Bin |
SYSAccountMemoTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSAccountMemoTypeID | 0 | Default | 1 | CreditInfo |
SYSAccountTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSAccountTypeID | 0 | Balance Forward | 1 | Open Item | 2 | Auto Allocation |
SYSAuditTrailEntryTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSAuditTrailEntryTypeID | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Sales Receipt | 2 | Sales Payment | 3 | Sales Invoice | 4 | Sales Credit Note | 5 | Sales Opening Balance Invoice | 6 | Sales Opening Balance Credit Note | 7 | Purchase Receipt | 8 | Purchase Payment | 9 | Purchase Invoice | 10 | Purchase Credit Note | 11 | Purchase Opening Balance Invoice | 12 | Purchase Opening Balance Credit Note | 13 | Nominal Journal | 14 | Nominal Manual Batch Journal | 15 | Nominal Prepayment | 16 | Nominal Accrual | 17 | Nominal Previous Year Journal | 18 | Nominal Bank Tax Payment Journal | 19 | Nominal Bank Tax Receipt Journal | 20 | Nominal Bank Payment Journal | 21 | Nominal Bank Receipt Journal | 22 | Vat Transaction Entry |
SYSCondOperatorTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSCondOperatorTypeID | 0 | Equal | 1 | Greater Than | 2 | GreaterThanOrEqual | 3 | LessThan | 4 | LessThanOrEqual | 5 | Like | 6 | NotEqual | 7 | NotLike |
SYSContactTypesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSContactTypeID | 0 | Telephone Number | 1 | Fax Number | 2 | E-mail Address | 3 | Web Address | 4 | Recipient Name | 5 | Mobile Number |
SYSCurrencyISOCodesVariable | ID | Name | Code |
SYSCurrencyISOCodeID | 1 | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, UAE Dirham | AED | 2 | AFGHANISTAN, Afghani | AFN | 3 | ALBANIA, Lek | ALL | 4 | ARMENIA, Armenian Dram | AMD | 5 | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, Netherlands Antillian Guilder | ANG | 6 | ANGOLA, Kwanza | AOA | 7 | ARGENTINA, Argentine Peso | ARS | 8 | AUSTRALIA, Australian Dollar | AUD | 9 | ARUBA, Aruban Guilder | AWG | 10 | AZERBAIJAN, Azerbaijanian Manat | AZN | 11 | BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, Convertible Marks | BAM | 12 | BARBADOS, Barbados Dollar | BBD | 13 | BANGLADESH, Taka | BDT | 14 | BULGARIA, Bulgarian Lev | BGN | 15 | BAHRAIN, Bahraini Dinar | BHD | 16 | BURUNDI, Burundi Franc | BIF | 17 | BERMUDA, Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar) | BMD | 18 | BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, Brunei Dollar | BND | 19 | BOLIVIA, Boliviano | BOB | 20 | BRAZIL, Brazilian Real | BRL | 21 | BAHAMAS, Bahamian Dollar | BSD | 22 | BHUTAN, Ngultrum | BTN | 23 | BOTSWANA, Pula | BWP | 24 | BELARUS, Belarussian Ruble | BYR | 25 | BELIZE, Belize Dollar | BZD | 26 | CANADA, Canadian Dollar | CAD | 27 | CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF, Franc Congolais | CDF | 28 | SWITZERLAND, Swiss Franc | CHF | 29 | CHILE, Chilean Peso | CLP | 30 | CHINA, Yuan Renminbi | CNY | 31 | COLOMBIA, Colombian Peso | COP | 32 | COSTA RICA, Costa Rican Colon | CRC | 33 | SERBIA, Serbian Dinar | RSD | 34 | CUBA, Cuban Peso | CUP | 35 | CAPE VERDE, Cape Verde Escudo | CVE | 36 | Cyprus, Pounds [Redundant please use EUR] | CYP | 37 | CZECH REPUBLIC, Czech Koruna | CZK | 38 | DJIBOUTI, Djibouti Franc | DJF | 39 | DENMARK, Danish Krone | DKK | 40 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Dominican Peso | DOP | 41 | ALGERIA, Algerian Dinar | DZD | 42 | ESTONIA, Kroon | EEK | 43 | EGYPT, Egyptian Pound | EGP | 44 | ERITREA, Nakfa | ERN | 45 | ETHIOPIA, Ethiopian Birr | ETB | 46 | Euro Member Countries, Euro | EUR | 47 | FIJI, Fiji Dollar | FJD | 48 | FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS), Falkland Islands Pound | FKP | 49 | UNITED KINGDOM, Pound Sterling | GBP | 50 | GEORGIA, Lari | GEL | 51 | Guernsey, Pounds [Redundant] | GGP | 52 | GHANA, Ghana Cedi | GHS | 53 | GIBRALTAR, Gibraltar Pound | GIP | 54 | GAMBIA, Dalasi | GMD | 55 | GUINEA, Guinea Franc | GNF | 56 | GUATEMALA, Quetzal | GTQ | 57 | GUYANA, Guyana Dollar | GYD | 58 | HONG KONG, Hong Kong Dollar | HKD | 59 | HONDURAS, Lempira | HNL | 60 | CROATIA, Croatian Kuna | HRK | 61 | HAITI, Gourde | HTG | 62 | HUNGARY, Forint | HUF | 63 | INDONESIA, Rupiah | IDR | 64 | ISRAEL, New Israeli Sheqel | ILS | 65 | Isle of Man, Pounds [Redundant] | IMP | 66 | INDIA, Indian Rupee | INR | 67 | IRAQ, Iraqi Dinar | IQD | 68 | IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF, Iranian Rial | IRR | 69 | ICELAND, Iceland Krona | ISK | 70 | Jersey, Pounds [Redundant] | JEP | 71 | JAMAICA, Jamaican Dollar | JMD | 72 | JORDAN, Jordanian Dinar | JOD | 73 | JAPAN, Yen | JPY | 74 | KENYA, Kenyan Shilling | KES | 75 | KYRGYZSTAN, Som | KGS | 76 | CAMBODIA, Riel | KHR | 77 | COMOROS, Comoro Franc | KMF | 78 | KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF, North Korean Won | KPW | 79 | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF, Won | KRW | 80 | KUWAIT, Kuwaiti Dinar | KWD | 81 | CAYMAN ISLANDS, Cayman Islands Dollar | KYD | 82 | KAZAKHSTAN, Tenge | KZT | 83 | LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, Kip | LAK | 84 | LEBANON, Lebanese Pound | LBP | 85 | SRI LANKA, Sri Lanka Rupee | LKR | 86 | LIBERIA, Liberian Dollar | LRD | 87 | LESOTHO, Loti | LSL | 88 | LITHUANIA, Lithuanian Litas | LTL | 89 | LATVIA, Latvian Lats | LVL | 90 | LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA, Libyan Dinar | LYD | 91 | MOROCCO, Moroccan Dirham | MAD | 92 | MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF, Moldovan Leu | MDL | 93 | MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary | MGA | 94 | MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF, Denar | MKD | 95 | MYANMAR, Kyat | MMK | 96 | MONGOLIA, Tugrik | MNT | 97 | MACAO, Pataca | MOP | 98 | MAURITANIA, Ouguiya | MRO | 99 | Malta, Liri [Redundant please use EUR] | MTL | 100 | MAURITIUS, Mauritius Rupee | MUR | 101 | MALDIVES, Rufiyaa | MVR | 102 | MALAWI, Kwacha | MWK | 103 | MEXICO, Mexican Peso | MXN | 104 | MALAYSIA, Malaysian Ringgit | MYR | 105 | MOZAMBIQUE, Metical | MZN | 106 | NAMIBIA, Namibia Dollar | NAD | 107 | NIGERIA, Naira | NGN | 108 | NICARAGUA, Cordoba Oro | NIO | 109 | NORWAY, Norwegian Krone | NOK | 110 | NEPAL, Nepalese Rupee | NPR | 111 | NEW ZEALAND, New Zealand Dollar | NZD | 112 | OMAN, Rial Omani | OMR | 113 | PANAMA, Balboa | PAB | 114 | PERU, Nuevo Sol | PEN | 115 | PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Kina | PGK | 116 | PHILIPPINES, Philippine Peso | PHP | 117 | PAKISTAN, Pakistan Rupee | PKR | 118 | POLAND, Zloty | PLN | 119 | PARAGUAY, Guarani | PYG | 120 | QATAR, Qatari Rial | QAR | 121 | ROMANIA, New Leu | RON | 122 | RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Russian Ruble | RUB | 123 | RWANDA, Rwanda Franc | RWF | 124 | SAUDI ARABIA, Saudi Riyal | SAR | 125 | SOLOMON ISLANDS, Solomon Islands Dollar | SBD | 126 | SEYCHELLES, Seychelles Rupee | SCR | 127 | SUDAN, Sudanese Pound | SDG | 128 | SWEDEN, Swedish Krona | SEK | 129 | SINGAPORE, Singapore Dollar | SGD | 130 | SAINT HELENA, Saint Helena Pound | SHP | 131 | Slovenia, Tolars [Redundant please use EUR] | SIT | 132 | SLOVAKIA, Slovak Koruna | SKK | 133 | SIERRA LEONE, Leone | SLL | 134 | SOMALIA, Somali Shilling | SOS | 135 | Seborga, Luigini [Redundant] | SPL | 136 | SURINAME, Surinam Dollar | SRD | 137 | SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE, Dobra | STD | 138 | EL SALVADOR, El Salvador Colon | SVC | 139 | SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, Syrian Pound | SYP | 140 | SWAZILAND, Lilangeni | SZL | 141 | THAILAND, Baht | THB | 142 | TAJIKISTAN, Somoni | TJS | 143 | TURKMENISTAN, Manat | TMM | 144 | TUNISIA, Tunisian Dinar | TND | 145 | TONGA, Pa'anga | TOP | 146 | Turkey, Liras [being phased out] [Redundant] | TRL | 147 | TURKEY, New Turkish Lira | TRY | 148 | TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | TTD | 149 | Tuvalu, Tuvalu Dollars [Redundant please use AUD] | TVD | 150 | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA, New Taiwan Dollar | TWD | 151 | TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF, Tanzanian Shilling | TZS | 152 | UKRAINE, Hryvnia | UAH | 153 | UGANDA, Uganda Shilling | UGX | 154 | UNITED STATES, US Dollar | USD | 155 | URUGUAY, Peso Uruguayo | UYU | 156 | UZBEKISTAN, Uzbekistan Sum | UZS | 157 | VENEZUELA, Bolivar Fuerte | VEF | 158 | ZAMBIA, Kwacha | ZMW | 159 | VIET NAM, Dong | VND | 160 | VANUATU, Vatu | VUV | 161 | SAMOA, Tala | WST | 162 | Communaute Financiere Africaine BEAC, Francs | XAF | 163 | Silver, Ounces | XAG | 164 | Gold, Ounces | XAU | 165 | East Caribbean Dollars | XCD | 166 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights | XDR | 167 | Communaute Financiere Africaine BCEAO, Francs | XOF | 168 | Palladium Ounces | XPD | 169 | Comptoirs Francais du Pacifique BCEAO, Francs | XPF | 170 | Platinum, Ounces | XPT | 171 | YEMEN, Yemeni Rial | YER | 172 | SOUTH AFRICA, Rand | ZAR | 173 | ZAMBIA, Kwacha | ZMK | 174 | ZIMBABWE, Zimbabwe Dollar | ZWR | 175 | BOLIVIA, Mvdol | BOV | 176 | CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF, WIR Euro | CHE | 177 | SWITZERLAND, WIR Franc | CHW | 178 | SWITZERLAND, Unidades de fomento | CLF | 179 | COLOMBIA, Unidad de Valor Real | COU | 180 | GUINEA-BISSAU, Guinea-Bissau Peso | GWP | 181 | MEXICO, Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) | MXV | 182 | URUGUAY, Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas | UYI | 183 | ZIMBABWE, Zimbabwe Dollar | ZWL |
SYSDocTransmissionMethodsVariable | ID | Description |
SYSDocTransmissionMethodID | 0 | Post | 1 | E-mail | 1 | Transaction E-mail |
SYSDocumentTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSDocumentTypeID | 0 | Sales Order | 1 | Sales Invoice | 2 | Purchase Order | 3 | Purchase Invoice | 4 | Customer Statement | 5 | Sales Credit Notes | 6 | Customer Debtors Letters | 7 | Sales Despatch Notes | 8 | Sales Quotations | 9 | Purchase Credit Notes | 10 | Purchase Remittance | 11 | Purchase Return | 12 | Sales Proforma | 13 | Draft Bill | 14 | Billing Invoice | 15 | Billing Credit Note |
SYSExchangeRateActionsVariable | ID | Name |
SYSExchangeRateActionID | 0 | Amendability changed | 1 | Rate type changed | 2 | Single rate to Base changed | 3 | Single rate to Euro changed | 4 | Period rate to Base changed | 5 | Period rate to Euro changed | 6 | Period rate to Base deleted | 7 | Period rate to Euro deleted | 8 | New base period rate added | 9 | New Euro period rate added | 10 | New currency added |
SYSExchangeRateAmendTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSExchangeRateAmendTypeID | 0 | Not amendable | 1 | Amendable - cash transactions | 2 | Amendable - all transactions | 3 | Fixed to Euro |
SYSExchangeRateTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSExchangeRateTypeID | 0 | Single | 1 | Period | 2 | Single & Period |
SYSImportTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSImportTypeID | 0 | New | 1 | Deleted |
SYSLogicalOperatorTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSLogicalOperatorTypeID | 0 | And | 1 | Or |
SYSModulesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSModuleID | 0 | Not Specified | 1 | Sales Ledger | 2 | Purchase Ledger | 3 | Nominal Ledger | 4 | Payroll | 5 | Project Accounting | 6 | Stock Control | 7 | Sales Order Processing | 8 | Purchase Order Processing | 9 | Invoicing | 10 | Cash Book | 11 | Bill Of Materials | 12 | Fixed Assets | 14 | Manufacturing | 97 | Price Book | 98 | Tax |
SYSModulePostingStatusVariable | ID | Name |
SYSModulePostingStatusID | 0 | Open | 1 | Closed | 2 | Future |
SYSNotificationPriorityTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSNotificationPriorityTypeID | 0 | Low | 1 | Normal | 2 | High |
SYSNotificationStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSNotificationStatusTypeID | 0 | Not Started | 1 | In Progress | 2 | Completed | 3 | Waiting on someone else | 4 | Deferred |
SYSPaymentTermsBasesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSPaymentTermsBasisID | 0 | Calendar Monthly | 1 | From start of month | 2 | From end of month | 3 | From document date |
SYSPeriodActionTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSPeriodActionTypeID | 0 | Accounting period | 1 | Module period |
SYSProviderTypeAttributeTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSProviderTypeAttributeTypeID | 0 | Text | 1 | Path | 2 | Filename |
SYSReportKeysVariable | ID | ReportName |
SYSReportKeyID | 1 | ChequeOnly | 2 | RemittanceOnly | 3 | RemittanceWithCheque | 4 | RemittanceOnlyEmail | 5 | NominalCheque | 6 | StatementPrimary | 7 | StatementAlternate | 8 | StatementPrimaryEmail | 9 | StatementAlternateEmail | 10 | FreeTextInvoice | 11 | CustomerLabel | 12 | SupplierLabel | 13 | DebtorLetterPeriod1 | 14 | DebtorLetterPeriod2 | 15 | DebtorLetterPeriod3 | 16 | DebtorLetterPeriod4 | 17 | DebtorLetterPeriod5 | 18 | DebtorLetterPeriod6 | 19 | DebtorLetterPeriod7 | 20 | DebtorLetterPeriod8 | 21 | BillLayout | 22 | BillBackingSheet | 23 | INVCreditNote | 24 | INVInvoice | 25 | SOPCreditNote | 26 | SOPDespatchNote | 27 | SOPInvoice | 28 | SOPOrderAcknowledgement | 29 | SOPProForma | 30 | SOPQuotation | 31 | SOPSalesOrder | 32 | SOPCreditNoteArchived | 33 | SOPInvoiceArchived | 34 | POPOrder | 35 | StockLabel | 36 | SOPInvoiceAddressLabel | 37 | SOPDeliveryAddressLabel | 38 | FreeTextCreditNote |
SYSTaxECTermsVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTaxECTermID | 0 | Not applicable | 1 | Sales goods & related services | 2 | Sales non-related services | 3 | Purchase goods & related services | 4 | Purchase non-related services | 5 | Reverse charge sales | 6 | Reverse charge purchases |
SYSTaxPeriodStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTaxPeriodStatusTypeID | 0 | Closed | 1 | Open | 2 | Deferred |
SYSTaxPeriodSubmitStatusesVariable | ID | Description |
SYSTaxPeriodSubmitStatusID | 0 | Success | 1 | Failure | 2 | N/A |
SYSTaxTranTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTaxTranTypeID | 0 | Sales Invoice | 1 | Sales Credit Note | 2 | Purchase Invoice | 3 | Purchase Credit Note | 4 | Sales VAT Journal | 5 | Purchase VAT Journal |
SYSTaxTranTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTraderGenerateReasonTypeID | 0 | Unknown | 1 | FinanceChargeInterest | 2 | BadDebtProcessing |
SYSTraderLocationTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTraderLocationTypeID | 0 | Main | 1 | Invoice | 2 | Delivery |
SYSTraderRevalAllocTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTraderRevalAllocTypeID | 0 | Allocation | 1 | Revaluation |
SYSTraderTranTypesVariable | ID | Name | SalesName | PurchaseName | SalesShortName | PurchaseShortName |
SYSTraderTranTypeID | 0 | Deleted Record | Deleted Record | Deleted Record | ER | Blank | 1 | PurchasePaymentSalesReceipt | Receipt | Payment | SR | PP | 2 | PurchaseReceiptSalesPayment | Payment | Receipt | SP | PR | 3 | Blank | Blank | Blank | Blank | Blank | 4 | Invoice | Invoice | Invoice | SI | PI | 5 | Credit Note | Credit Note | Credit Note | SC | PC | 6 | Opening Balance Invoice | Opening Balance Invoice | Opening Balance Invoice | OI | OI | 7 | Opening Balance Credit Note | Opening Balance Credit Note | Opening Balance Credit Note | OC | OC |
SYSTraderWriteOffEntryTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTraderWriteOffEntryTypeID | 0 | N/A | 1 | WriteOffEntry | 2 | WriteOffAccount | 3 | BadDebt |
SYSTranDateValidationClassesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTranDateValidationClassID | 0 | Normal | 1 | Acceptable | 2 | Unacceptable |
SYSTranDateValidationTypesVariable | ID | Name |
SYSTranDateValidationTypeID | 0 | None | 1 | Period | 2 | Calendar |
TEMActionOnRetrievalsVariable | ID | Name |
TEMActionOnRetrievalID | 0 | Nothing | 1 | Move | 2 | Delete |
TEMCodePagesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMCodePageID | 0 | BASDA | 1 | eGov |
TEMEventSourcesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMEventSourceID | 0 | Inbox | 1 | Outbox | 2 | Storage | 3 | Mapping | 4 | Remote |
TEMEventTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMEventTypeID | 0 | Message collected from mail system | 1 | Message checked and is valid | 2 | Message fully matched (automatically) | 3 | Message requires manual matching | 4 | Message held / released from hold | 5 | Message rejected by user | 6 | Customer order added to accounts | 7 | Supplier invoice added to accounts | 8 | Customer order manually entered into accounts | 9 | Supplier invoice manually entered into accounts | 10 | Message printed by user | 11 | Failed to add to accounts | 12 | Currency does not match account currency | 13 | Purchase order collected from accounts | 14 | Sales invoice collected from accounts | 15 | Message held / released from hold | 16 | Message deleted by user | 17 | Message sent to Outlook | 18 | Outlook failed to send message | 19 | Message printed by user | 20 | e-Mail address changed | 21 | Message moved to sent items | 22 | Message moved to processed items | 23 | Message returned to Outbox for resending | 24 | Message printed by user | 25 | Message partially matched | 26 | Message fully matched | 27 | Purchase order received by supplier | 28 | Sales invoice received by customer | 29 | Purchase order rejected by supplier | 30 | Sales invoice rejected by customer | 31 | Purchase order deleted by supplier | 32 | Sales invoice deleted by customer | 33 | Purchase order processed by supplier | 34 | Sales invoice processed by customer | 35 | Message received but is not valid | 36 | Message deleted by user | 37 | Message deleted by user | 38 | Customer order manually entered into accounts | 39 | Supplier order manually entered into accounts | 40 | Message arrived but is not valid |
TEMLocationsVariable | ID | Name |
TEMLocationsID | 0 | Inbox | 1 | Processed | 2 | Outbox | 3 | Sent Items | 4 | Deleted Inbox | 5 | Deleted Outbox | 6 | Deleted Items |
TEMMessageTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMMessageTypeID | 0 | Order | 1 | Invoice | 2 | Status - Order | 3 | Status - Invoice | 4 | Status - General | 5 | Welcome | 6 | Unknown |
TEMOutputOptionsVariable | ID | Name |
TEMOutputOptionID | 0 | No product codes | 1 | One product code | 2 | Both product codes |
TEMPriceToleranceBasesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMPriceToleranceBasisID | 0 | Order item | 1 | Order line |
TEMStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMStatusID | 0 | Received | 1 | Invaild XML | 2 | Unknown XML | 3 | Unknown Type | 4 | Automapping | 5 | Mapping Required | 6 | Pending Acceptance | 7 | Accepted | 8 | Rejected from Inbox | 9 | Deleted | 10 | Manual Entry | 11 | Pending Release | 12 | Released | 13 | Held in Outbox | 14 | Received by Remote | 15 | Rejected by Remore | 16 | Deleted by Remote | 17 | Accepted by Remote | 18 | Invalid at Remote | 19 | Pending Acceptance:Price Warning |
TEMStatusMessagesVariable | ID | Name |
TEMStatusMessageID | 0 | Create & send | 1 | Create only | 2 | Do not create |
TimeUnitsVariable | ID | TimeUnitName | MultipleOfDays |
TimeUnitID | 0 | days | 1 | 1 | weeks | 7 | 2 | months | 30 | 3 | years | 365 |
ToolToolingResourceActivityTypesVariable | ID | Name |
ToolToolingResourceActivityTypeID | 0 | Calibration | 1 | Service | 2 | Repair |
TraceableItemStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
TraceableItemStatusID | 0 | Assigned | 1 | Unassigned | 2 | Prereceipt | 3 | Reserved | 4 | Direct Delivery |
TraceableTransTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TraceableTransTypeID | 0 | Goods In | 1 | Goods In Return | 2 | Goods Out | 3 | Goods Out Return | 4 | Allocation | 5 | Allocation Adjustment | 6 | Allocation At Despatch | 7 | Transfer Out | 8 | Transfer In | 9 | Amendments | 10 | POP At Invoice | 11 | POP At Credit | 12 | BOM Goods Out |
TraceableTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TraceableTypeID | 0 | Non-Traceable | 1 | Serial Numbered | 2 | Batch Numbered |
TransactionGroupsVariable | ID | TransactionGroupName |
TransactionGroupID | 0 | Allocation | 1 | Goods Out | 2 | Goods In | 3 | On POP Order |
TransactionTypesVariable | ID | TransactionTypeName |
TransactionTypeID | 0 | Stock Addition | 1 | Internal Return | 2 | Return from Supplier | 3 | Stocktake Adjustment In | 4 | Transfer In | 5 | Write Off | 6 | Internal Issue | 7 | Customer FOC Issue | 8 | Return to Supplier | 9 | Transfer Out | 10 | Stocktake Adjustment Out | 11 | Internal Allocation | 12 | Customer Allocation | 13 | Adjustment to Allocation | 14 | Opening Balance | 15 | Sales Order | 16 | Sales Return | 17 | Purchase Order | 18 | Purchase Return | 19 | POP Goods Received | 20 | POP Goods Return | 21 | On POP Order | 22 | On POP Order Adjustment | 23 | BOM/WO Issue | 24 | BOM/WO Build | 25 | BOM/WO Allocation |
TSCategoryCompStatusTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSCategoryCompStatusTypeID | 0 | Active | 1 | Inactive |
TSCategoryCompTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSCategoryCompTypeID | 0 | Group | 1 | Item |
TSClaimRecordStatusTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSClaimRecordStatusTypeID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Saved | 2 | Submitted | 3 | Rejected | 4 | Authorised | 5 | Posted | 6 | Complete |
TSConfigurableTermsVariable | ID | DefaultTerm |
TSConfigurableTermID | 0 | Resource Hierarchy | 1 | User Reference | 2 | Authoriser | 3 | Timesheet User | 4 | Time transaction | 5 | Expense transaction |
TSDayOfWeeksVariable | ID | Description |
TSDayOfWeekID | 0 | Sunday | 1 | Monday | 2 | Tuesday | 3 | Wednesday | 4 | Thursday | 5 | Friday | 6 | Saturday |
TSExpenseClaimStatusTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSExpenseClaimStatusTypeID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Saved | 2 | Submitted | 3 | Rejected | 4 | Authorised | 5 | Posted | 6 | Posted |
TSExpensesPostingStatusTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSExpensesPostingStatusTypeID | 0 | No | 1 | Yes | 2 | Required |
TSPaymentFrequencyTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSPaymentFrequencyTypeID | 0 | Weekly | 1 | Fortnightly | 2 | FourWeekly | 3 | Monthly | 4 | BiMonthly |
TSPaymentMethodsVariable | ID | Description |
TSPaymentMethodID | 0 | None | 1 | Cashbook | 2 | BACS | 3 | Payroll | 4 | SupplierAccount |
TSPostingMethodTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSPostingMethodTypeID | 0 | Transaction | 1 | PeriodBatch | 2 | SingleBatch |
TSReceiptAttachedTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSReceiptAttachedTypeID | 0 | Yes | 1 | No | 2 | N/A |
TSResourceHierarchyItemTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSResourceHierarchyItemTypeID | 0 | Group | 1 | Item |
TSResourceStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TSResourceStatusTypeID | 0 | Current | 1 | IsLeaving | 2 | SynchroniseWithPayroll |
TSSubmissionFrequencyTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSSubmissionFrequencyTypeID | 0 | Daily | 1 | Weekly |
TSTimesheetPostStatusTypesVariable | ID | Name |
TSTimesheetPostStatusTypeID | 0 | No | 1 | Yes | 2 | Required |
TSTimesheetRecordStatusTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSTimesheetRecordStatusTypeID | 0 | Draft | 1 | Saved | 2 | Submitted | 3 | Authorised | 4 | Rejected | 5 | Complete |
TSTimeUnitTypesVariable | ID | Description |
TSTimeUnitTypeID | 0 | Minutes | 1 | HoursAndMins | 2 | HoursDecimal | 3 | Days |
TSUserSearchKeysVariable | ID | Description |
TSUserSearchKeyID | 0 | Reference Number | 1 | Surname |
TSUserStatusesVariable | ID | Name |
TSUserStatusID | 0 | Inactive | 1 | Active |
TSWorkPeriodsVariable | ID | Name |
TSWorkPeriodID | 0 | Day | 1 | Week |
UnitOfMeasureTypesVariable | ID | UnitOfMeasureTypeName |
UnitOfMeasureTypeID | 0 | Base | 1 | Stock | 2 | Additional |
WarehouseTypesVariable | ID | WarehouseTypeName |
WarehouseTypeID | 0 | Normal | 1 | Home | 2 | Returns | 3 | Direct Delivery |
WopComponentLineTypesVariable | ID | Name |
WopComponentLineTypeID | 0 | Component | 1 | Subassembly | 2 | Comment | 3 | Document | 4 | Phantom |
WopOrderTypesVariable | ID | Name |
WopOrderTypeID | 0 | BillOfMaterials | 1 | WorksOrder |
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