As a workaround you can amend the e-mail options and change the format of the e-mail address to include a display name or document number. Providing that each is unique, this ensures that Report Designer recognises the name and e-mail address as separate and creates separate emails. TIP: After applying the workaround, the e-mail address may appear in Outlook in the following format, but the e-mail will still send correctly: <[email protected]></[email protected]> NOTE: Although we've tested this workaround with Microsoft Outlook and the most common web mail providers, we can't guarantee it will work in every situation. If this workaround isn't successful, until a fix is available the alternative is to send the emails individually. - Browse to and select the report or layout > Edit.
- Report > E-mail Settings.
- To > Expressions that define the people you want to send the report to > select the existing e-mail address variable > Edit.
- Clear > create the required expression or copy one of the examples below:
Expression | Area | SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress = "" ? "" : SLCustomerAccounts.CustomerAccountNumber + " " + " <" + SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress + ">" | Statement | SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress = "" ? "" : SOPInvoiceCredits.DocumentNo + " " + " <" + SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress + ">" | Invoicing | SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress = "" ? "" : SOPOrderReturns.DocumentNo + " " + " <" + SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress + ">" | Sales Order | PLSupplierContacts.PreferredEmailAddress = "" ? "" : POPOrderReturns.DocumentNo + " " + " <" + PLSupplierContacts.PreferredEmailAddress + ">" | Purchase Order | - OK > OK > OK.
- Report > Report Properties > amend the name and description of your document > OK.
- File > Save As > enter a new file name > Save.
- File > Exit.
NOTE: You will need to re browse to the new layouts through the choose layouts option within your Sage program. Alternatively, or if your mail server or provider does not support this format, you can send the emails individually. To do this, select an individual record, browse to and select the report or layout you want, then run the report to e-mail as normal. If you are viewing this article from the Sage website, a list of Sage 200 Report Designer articles are available now. |