How do I: validate my return and file online?
Pre Online Filing Checks
  1. Ensure you have entered your Online Filing user credentials under; Administration > Practice Details.
  2. Input the Company registration number and UTR under; Company Details.
  3. Enter the Name and Status of signatory under; Tax return and disclosure information > Return information.
Filing Online

NOTE: Make sure you have tagged your computation before continuing.

    1. Select Online Filing from the Quick links
    2. Attachments: Choose the type of submission
    3. If you're attaching iXBRL Accounts click the magnifying glass and browse to the relevant file. Alternatively select no account attached and choose the relevant option from the drop down.
    4. Tick the box to confirm to attach your computation in XBRL or choose the relevant reason if you do not wish to attach.
    5. Add any other PDF attachments you wish to include with your submission.
    6. Click Next
    7. Validate return: The software will automatically validate the computation and return for submission.
    8. You will be presented with either a successful message or any validation errors found.

      NOTE: Before continuing please review and correct all validation errors found. You will then need to tag your computation again and restart the online filing process.

    9. Client approval: Enter the date sent to client for approval. You can save your computation and return as a PDF or email to your client from this screen.
    10. Click Next
    11. Submission: Enter the date the client approved the return
    12. Click Submit
Online Filing History

To determine whether the submission has been successful you will need to check the Online Filing History.

To check this go to the Administration menu > Online Filing History.

From the list select the submission where you can view the HMRC response and submission package.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]
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