If you haven't already, you must set up the NHS pensions module before you start processing NHS pensions. NHS Pensions Module - get started >
Enter PaymentsTo ensure the NHS Pensions Module recommends the correct NHS tiers, it's important that you enter the correct number of hours worked by your employees when processing your payroll. For example, for an employee who earns £360 in a week for 30 hours work, in Enter Payments you must enter: - Hours/No = 30.0000
- Rate = 12.0000
Don't enter: - Hours/No = 1.0000
- Rate = 360.0000
TIP: Pensionable hours are capped by the whole time equivalent (WTE). If an employee works more hours than this, you should process these hours with a pay element that isn't subject to Pensionable Hours. If you are unsure of the WTE to use for your employee, contact your pension administrator.
NHS Pension TiersEach pay period, after you've entered your employee's pay in Enter Payments, you must click Payroll, then NHS Pension Tiers and check to make sure all employees are on the correct NHS pension tier > The first time you open this window, you must enter your employees' NHS contract information. Field | Description |
SD | This is the employee's pension scheme reference number. If you're unsure of what this is, please refer to your pension administrator. | Role | Choose either Officer or Practitioner. | Capacity | This field is optional. From the drop-down menu, you can choose the relevant description that the employee's job falls into. | Full Time / Part Time | Where applicable, this automatically calculates the employee's part-time salary. If the employee is flagged as a practitioner, this field isn't applicable. | Previous year / Current year | You don't need to amend this setting, as your software correctly applies the same thresholds and rates with either option. | Contracted hours | This is the number of hours the employee is contracted to work per week. If the employee is flagged as part time and an officer, this field is mandatory. If the employee is flagged as full time and an officer, you can't amend this field as the value calculates automatically. | Hourly rate | This is the employee's hourly rate of pay. If the employee is flagged as a practitioner, this field isn't applicable. | Adjustment | If you want to amend the calculated annual salary value, you can enter an adjustment. This can be either a positive or a negative value. | Annual salary | This is the employee's annual salary based on the information you enter in this window. |
Status iconsWithin the NHS Tiers window, each employee has a status icon that shows any relevant alerts. To view the alerts, simply hover your cursor over the icon next to the employee.
The recommended tierOnce you've entered the contract information, NHS Pension Tiers recommends a pension tier > Your software bases this on the pay you've processed for the current period. You can see this at a glance on the slider bar at the bottom of the window. If NHS Pensions recommends a tier change, you can choose whether or not to change it in this window. If you want to change it: - Click the Tier to apply drop-down menu
- Select the tier you want to apply
- Click Continue then click Save.
Alternatively, if you need to keep the employee in the tier they're in, simply check the required tier is assigned and continue processing. If you'd like further advice on what tier an employee must be in, please contact your pension administrator.
NHS Pension ContributionsEach pay period, after you've checked the information in NHS Pension Tiers, you should select the NHS Pension Contributions option. You can check your employee and employer contributions here for the current pay period and if required make any adjustments > If you need to increase or decrease the employee's pension contribution for the current pay period, simply enter the amount as a positive or negative value in the Adjust this period column. Once you've checked all contribution information and entered any adjustments, to close the window and continue processing, click Save.
NHS Pension ReportsThere are several reports to help you report on your NHS pension scheme and complete the GP1 and SD55 e-forms. View a list of the reports > To run these reports, click Reports then select the relevant folder below for the report you want to run. Folder | Report name | Information |
Period End | NHS GP1 - Monthly return | The GP1 is a report that you can run each month to help you complete the relevant e-form on the NHS Pensions Online portal. When running this report, you should enter the processing date for the required calendar month. | NHS SD55 - Annual Return | As the SD55 is an annual return, you only need to run this report once a year. You can use this report to help you complete the relevant e-form on the NHS Pensions Online portal. | Employee | NHS Pension Contributions Breakdown - Current Year NHS Pension Contributions Breakdown - Previous Year | These reports show a breakdown of pensionable pay thresholds, with employee and employer contributions for each pension tier for the current and previous year. | NHS Pensionable Hours (Detailed) | This report shows a breakdown of pensionable hours accrued by an employee for each pay period. | NHS Pensionable Hours (Summary) | This report displays the employee’s total pensionable hours for the specified period. | NHS Practitioner Review | This report shows the practitioners' expected salary and compares this to the annual salary entered with NHS Pensions. If these differ, we recommend that you review the tier they’re in. This report isn’t designed to highlight if a change in tier is required, only that their salary is different. If you review the tier and they’re in the correct one, you don't need to take any further action. | Legislation | NHS Pensions - Tiers & Bandwidths | This report shows the current pension tiers and bandwidths for NHS Pensions. |
Frequently Asked QuestionsStill have questions? Don't worry, you can find the answers to common questions we're asked. NHS pensions - common questions >
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