Amend or delete an employee's payroll record

You must make sure that the personal data you hold for individuals is accurate and kept up to date. If an individual asks you to correct their data, you must update this in your software.

HMRC require that you store payroll information for the current tax year and a minimum of three years prior to the current tax year. Unless there's another legal reason for keeping personal data, you must delete or remove the data at the request of the individual.


Amend an employee's data

  1. On the Employee List, double-click the required employee.
  2. Make any necessary amendments in the employee record.
  3. Click Save then click Close.

Delete an employee record

Payroll now allows you to delete multiple employees at a time.

  1. On the Employee List, select the first employee you want to delete.
  2. Hold the Ctrl key down and select the remaining employees you want to delete.
  3. Right-click any highlighted employee, then click Delete Employee then click Yes.
[BCB:92:Limitless - 50 Payroll - PYE:ECB]
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