Print year end reports for a previous tax year

Sometimes, you need to reprint year end reports from previous tax years. For example, an employee might request a copy of their P60 from a previous year.


You can easily print reports for prior tax years using the post update Reports in your software. This includes common reports such as P60s, P11s and lots more.

Print a report from an earlier tax year

  1. Click Payroll on the navigation bar, then click Change Process Date.
  2. Set your process date to the last day of the required tax year, then click OK.
     TIP: For example, set 05/04/2024 for the 2023/2024 tax year. 
  3. If required, select the employees you want to print.
  4. Above your employee list, click Reports.
     NOTE: If you don't see a row of buttons above your employee list, click View then Toolbar. 
  5. Click Year End on the left, then click > next to Year End.
  6. Select the required tax year.
  7. Select the required report and click Print.

If you've selected a range of employees or have criteria set that excludes some employees, the following message appears:

'You currently have criteria set which will be excluding some of your employees from the report. Do you want this report to include all employees?'

To print the report for only the selected employees, click No, or to print the report for all employees click Yes.


Steps to duplicate
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