Day book reports

 UPDATED: Some reports have been consolidated with the launch of v30. For more information see Removed and consolidated reports in v30 >

Day book reports are available in several different areas of Sage 50 Accounts and show a list of transactions of a single type, for example, only Sales Invoices (SI) or only Bank Payments (BP). They can be run for a range of criteria such as transaction date, transaction number or account reference. The information which appears on a report varies depending on the transaction type shown and whether the report is a detailed or summary report. Unless otherwise specified, day book reports show both paid and outstanding transactions.

Customer day books

Available in Customers, Reports in the Day books folder. Customer day book reports are available for Sales Invoice (SI), Sales Credit (SC) and Sales Discount (SD) transaction types. They are sorted by transaction number and each report includes the following information:

  • Transaction number
  • Transaction date
  • Transaction type
  • Invoice reference
  • Details
  • Net amount
  • Tax amount
  • Gross amount

Finding the right report

The following report types are available:

  • Shows 1 line per header transaction. For example, if you enter a sales invoice with several different items on it, a summary report shows 1 line for the invoice, with the total invoice value.
  • Shows a line for each transaction split. For example, if you enter a sales invoice with several different items on it, a detailed report shows each individual item from the invoice with each item value.
  • As these reports are based on audit split information, they display extra information which cannot appear on a summary report. For example, departments, nominal codes and tax codes.
Paid invoices
  • Only shows sales invoices which have been fully or partly paid.
  • Shows details of the paid transaction including when it was paid and how much was paid.
  • When running this type of report, you enter a payment date range rather than an invoice date range.
T4 transactions only
  • Only shows transactions posted with a T4 tax code. This is the default tax code for EC sales.
  • Contains audit split information such as departments, nominal codes and tax codes.

With B/Fwd & Av Inv Value to Date -
Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above

  • Shows a list of sales invoice transactions and displays totals per customer.
  • Also shows average net, tax and gross values to date and, if the report is run for a date range, it includes brought forward balances.
Flat rate
  • Groups transactions together for each tax code and calculates the flat rate tax amount for each transaction.
  • Designed to help you reconcile your VAT return when using the Flat Rate VAT Scheme.
Excluding Revaluations
  • Designed for use with Foreign Trader, these reports exclude revaluation transactions.
  • Designed for use with Foreign Trader, these reports show invoice and credit revaluation transactions.
Supplier day books

Available in Suppliers, Reports in the Day books folder. Supplier day book reports are available for Purchase Invoice (PI), Purchase Credit (PC) and Purchase Discount (PD) transaction types. They are sorted by transaction number and each report includes the following information:

  • Transaction number
  • Transaction date
  • Invoice reference
  • Net amount
  • Tax amount
  • Gross amount

Finding the right report

The following report types are available:

  • Only shows 1 line per header transaction. For example, if you enter a purchase invoice with several different items on it, a summary report shows 1 line for the invoice with the total invoice value.
    • Shows a line for each transaction split. For example, if you enter a purchase invoice with several different items on it, a detailed report shows each individual item from the invoice with each item value.

  • As these reports are based on audit split information, they display extra information which cannot appear on a summary report. For example, departments, nominal codes and tax codes.
Paid invoices
  • Only shows purchase invoices which have been fully or partly paid.
  • Shows details of the paid transaction including when it was paid and how much was paid.
  • When running these reports, you enter a payment date range rather than an invoice date range.
T7 or T8 transactions only
  • Only shows transactions posted with a T7 or T8 tax code. These tax codes are used for EC purchases.
  • They contain audit split information such as departments, nominal codes and tax codes.
Flat rate
  • Groups transactions together for each tax code and calculates the flat rate tax amount for each transaction.
  • Designed to help you reconcile your VAT return when using the Flat Rate VAT Scheme.
Excluding Revaluations
  • Designed for use with Foreign Trader, these reports exclude revaluation transactions.
  • Designed for use with Foreign Trader, these reports show invoice and credit revaluation transactions.
Nominal day books

Available in Nominal codes, Reports in the Day books folder. Nominal ledger day book reports only show Journal Debits (JD) and Journal Credits (JC). They are sorted by transaction number and each report includes the following information:

  • Transaction number
  • Transaction type
  • Nominal code
  • Transaction date
  • Reference
  • Details
  • Department
  • Tax code
  • Debit value
  • Credit value
  • Vat flag
  • Bank flag

Finding the right report

The following reports are available:

Day Books: Nominal Ledger -
  • Lists the details of all journal debit (JD) and journal credit (JC) transactions.
Day Books: Foreign Bank Revaluations -
  • Sage 50 Accounts Professional and above.
  • Lists the details of all journal debit (JD) and journal credit (JC) transactions posted with the reference REVAL.
    This is the transaction reference which is applied to postings made by the Foreign Bank Revaluation wizard.
Day Books: Nominal Journal Reversals -
  • Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above.
  • Lists the details of all journal debit (JD) and journal credit (JC) transactions posted with the reference REVERSE.
    This is the transaction reference which is applied to postings made by Nominal Reversals.
Flat Rate Day Books: Nominal Ledger - FR_NOMDAY.REPORT
  • Lists journal debit (JD) and journal credit (JC) transactions together with the flat rate tax amount.
  • Designed to help you reconcile your VAT return when using the Flat Rate VAT Scheme.
Bank day books

Available in Bank, Reports within the transaction type folders, for example Bank receipts and Cash payments.

Finding the right report

Each day book report is available in either a summary or detailed format.

  • Only shows 1 line per header transaction. For example, if you enter a bank payment with several different items on it, a summary report shows 1 line for the payment with the total payment value.
    • Shows a line for each transaction split. For example, if you enter a bank payment with several different items on it, a detailed report shows each individual item from the payment with each item value.

  • As these reports are based on audit split information, they display extra information which cannot appear on a summary report. For example, departments, nominal codes and tax codes.
Flat rate detailed
  • Shows a line for each transaction split and also calculates the flat rate tax amount for each transaction.
  • Designed to help you reconcile your VAT return when using the Flat Rate VAT Scheme.
Base currency
  • Designed for use with Foreign Trader, these reports show transactions in your base currency rather than the account currency.
Project day books

Available in Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above, within Projects, Reports in the Day books folder.

The project day book reports only show transactions which have been linked to a project record. They include both audit trail transactions and stock movement transactions. Day book reports are available for each of the following transaction types:

  • Purchase Invoice (PI)
  • Purchase Credit (PC)
  • Sales Invoice (SI)
  • Sales Credit (SC)
  • Stock issues / Adjustments Out (AO)
  • Stock returns / Adjustments In (AI)
  • Bank Payments (BP)
  • Project only costs / Costing Debit (CD) and Costing Credit (CC)

Note: Unlike other project day book reports, the project only costs reports include 2 transaction types on 1 report.

All project day book reports show the audit trail ID, transaction type, date, reference, project, details and net value. Some reports also show additional information.

Finding the right report

Each day book report is available in either a summary or detailed format.

  • Only shows 1 line per header transaction. For example, if you enter a sales invoice with several different items on it, a summary report shows 1 line for the invoice with the total invoice value.
  • Shows a line for each transaction split. For example, if you enter a sales invoice with several different items on it, a detailed report shows each individual item from the invoice with each item value.
  • As these reports are based on audit split information, they display extra information which cannot appear on a summary report. For example, departments, nominal codes and tax codes.

[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]
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