Sage 50 P11D Internet submissions: Error codes

When you send your submission to HMRC, there may be times when an error code appears. Find out more about each error code below.


General errors

If there is a general problem with the submissions process, the following error codes may be returned:

2020This service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.The filing service is unavailable due to communication failure or other reasons.
5012This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.The data used is not within the set standards of the schema.
5018Tax Office Number and Tax Office Reference in message header do not match values in message body.All TaxOfficeNumber and TaxOfficeReference values within the submission must be the same.
5020This message contains a form that is not currently supported for online submission.Prohibited forms are submitted.
5020This submission must contain at least one form.No forms in submission.
5030Invalid value in Class tag.Invalid Class value.
5040Submission already received for this employer.Duplicate submissions filed.
6010Your submission is not in the correct format - please contact your software supplier and quote error code 6010.

Incorrectly formed XML. When a detail in the employee's record fails HMRCs validation this error occurs.

If Error Code 6010 relates to Car Records, ensure the Make and Model fields have minimal information entered.

Example - If Model Field entry is BMW X3, 4 wheel drive 2.0 Diesel, shorten this to X3.

Form P11D errors

If there are problems with the P11D forms during the submissions process, the following error codes may be returned:

5012Invalid data.NI Number.Must be in the format of 2 letters followed by 6 numbers and 1 letter A,B,C or D. Or 2 numbers 1 letter and 5 numbers.
If not present enter NOT KNOWN.
5012Invalid data.Employee surname.This field contains an invalid character. First character must be present. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.
5012First character must be alpha.Employee surname.This field contains an invalid character. First character must be present. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.
5012Invalid data.Assets transferred - Description.This entry is not in a valid format.
5012Invalid data.Assets transferred - Cash equivalent.This entry is not in a valid format.
5012Invalid data.Cars and Fuel - Make and ModelThis entry is not in a valid format.
5012Invalid data.Payments Made - Description.This entry is not in a valid format.
5012Schema validation.Cars and Fuel - Make and ModelThis field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.
5016Schema validation.Employee forename.Entry required.
5016Schema validation.Employee surname.Entry required.
7610Each description can be repeated only once.Assets transferred - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: cars, property, precious metals, other or multiple.
7610Must equal Annual Value - Amount Made Good.Assets transferred - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Annual Value less the Amount Made Good.
7620Must equal Gross Amount - Amount Made Good.Vouchers or Credit Cards - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Gross Amount less the Amount Made Good.
7640Primary car overlap of more than 30 days.Cars and Fuel - Primary indicator.Cannot have an overlap of more than 30 days for the First Available to the Last Available periods for all primary cars.
7650Must equal sum of all Cash Equivalent fields for car.Cars and Fuel - Total cars.The Total Cars value does not equal the sum of all Cash Equivalent fields for car.
7655Location: Field type.Cars and Fuel.Text cannot be D if car registered on or after Jan 2006.
7660Must equal sum of all Fuel Cash Equivalent fields for Car.Cars and Fuel - Total fuel.The Total Fuel value does not equal the sum of all Fuel Cash Equivalent fields for Car.
7670Must equal Gross Amount - Amount Made Good.Mileage - Taxable payment.The Taxable Payment value must equal the Gross Amount less the Amount Made Good.
7680Cannot be less than Initial or Final Outstanding.Loans - Maximum outstanding.The Maximum Outstanding value must not be less than the Initial Outstanding or the Final Outstanding Value.
7690Cannot be earlier than Loan Date.Loans - Discharge date.The Discharge Date must not be earlier than the Loan Date.
7700Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Medical - Cash equivalent.

The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.

7710Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Services - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7720Must equal Annual Value - Amount Made Good.Assets - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Annual Value less the Amount Made Good.
7720Each description can be repeated only once.Assets - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: holiday accommodation, timeshare accommodation, aircraft, boat, corporate hospitality, multiple or other.
7730Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Other - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7730Each description can be repeated only once.Other - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: subscriptions and fees, educational assistance, non-qualifying relocation exp, stop loss charges, other, other benefits or multiple.
7740Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Other - Cash equivalent.The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7740Each description can be repeated only once.Other - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: subscriptions and fees, nursery places, educational assistance, loans written or waived, income tax paid to collector, other, other benefits, multiple.
7750Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Expenses Paid - Taxable payment.The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7750Each description can be repeated only once.Expenses Paid - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: travelling and subsistence, allowance for business travel, use of home telephone or non-qualifying relocation expenses.
7760Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Expenses Paid - Taxable payment.The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7770Must equal Cost - Amount Made Good.Expenses Paid - Taxable payment.The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good.
7830Each description can be repeated only once.Payments Made - Description.Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: tax and/or NIC, domestic bills, accountancy fees, private education, private car expenses, season tickets or other.
7850First three characters must be present.Employee surname.First three characters must be present.
7870Mandatory if fuel charge present.Cars and Fuel - Engine size/fuel.If an entry for Engine Size or Fuel Type or Fuel Cash Equivalent is present, all three fields must be provided.
7930Duplicate NINOs.NI Number.Each employee must only appear once in the employer's return. Duplicate NINOs not allowed.
7940Must have Class 1A or Non Class 1A.Other.When Other Type is N, must have either Class1A or NonClass1A entry.

Form P11D(b) errors

If there are problems with form P11D(b) during the submissions process, the following error codes may be returned:

5012Must have minimum value of zero.Adjustments - Amount due.Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds.
5012Must have minimum value of zero.Adjustments - Amount not due.Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds.
5012Must have minimum value of zero.Adjustments - Total benefit.Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds.
7780Must equal sum of all 1A items on all P11Ds.Class 1A Contributions Due - Total benefit.The Total Benefit value must equal the total of all 1A items on all P11Ds.
7780Must equal sum of all 1A items on all P11Ds.Total Benefit.The Total Benefit value must equal the total of all 1A items on all P11Ds.
7780Must equal total benefit on which Class 1A NICs due.Adjustments - Total benefit.The Total Benefit value must equal the total of all 1A items on all P11Ds.
7790Must equal 12.8% of Total Benefits plus/less Adjustments.Class 1A Contributions Due - NIC payable.

The NIC Payable value must equal 12.8% of the Total Benefit.

7790Must equal 12.8% of Total Benefits plus/less Adjustments.Adjustments - NIC payable.

The NIC Payable value must equal 12.8% of the Total Benefit.

7900Must equal Cost - Amount Due.Adjustments - Amount due.There must be a value greater than zero in either Amount Due or Amount not Due for adjustments.
7900Must equal Cost - Amount Due.Adjustments - Amount not due.There must be a value greater than zero in either Amount Due or Amount not Due for adjustments.
7910Must equal Total Benefit + Amount Due - Amount Not Due.Adjustments - Total.Must be result of Total Benefit plus Amount Due minus Amount Not Due.
7920Must be > 0 if P11Ds present.P11D(b).P11D(b) Summary must be present.

Gateway errors

If the Government Gateway has a problem with the submission, the following error codes may be returned:

Major tests
1000The processing of your document submission failed. Please re-submit.
1001The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document.
1002Authentication Failure. The credentials submitted with the document are invalid.
1003The submitted document contained a SOAP Header/Envelope. The Gateway does not process messages with SOAP headers.
1004The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Qualifier field.
1005The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Envelope field.
1006The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Class field.
1007The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Function field.
1008The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated GatewayTest field.
1009The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Transformation field.
1010The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated SenderID field.
1011The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Role/Value field.
1012The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated EmailAddress field.
1013The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Organisation field.
1014The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated CorrelationID field.
1015The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Method field.
1016The submitted XML document failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document. Missing, Empty or incorrectly populated Body field.

 Document completed incorrectly

1020The submitted document contains an entry for CorrelationID, which is a reserved system field. This field should be left blank.
1021The submitted document contains an entry for GateWayTimestamp, which is a reserved system field. This field should be left blank.
1022The submitted document contains an entry for ResponseEndPoint, which is a reserved system field. This field should be left blank.
1023The submitted document contains an invalid entry for TransactionID.
1024The submitted document contains an invalid entry for AuditID.
1025In the document you have submitted you have provided the Timestamp which is a reserved field and should be blank.
1026When submitting a document to the Gateway the only valid values for the Qualifier field are request or poll.
1027The submitted document contains an invalid entry for EnvelopeVersion.
1028The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Class. This field must contain a supported document submission type and be at least 4 characters in length.
1029The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Function. The only valid values for the Function field are submit, delete or list.
1030The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Transformation. This field must contain the value XML, HTML or text.
1031The submitted document contains an invalid entry for EmailAddress. If the field Qualifier contains the value poll, then the field EmailAddress must not be populated.
1032The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Organisation. If the field Qualifier contains the value poll, then the field Organisation must not be populated.
1033The submitted document contains an invalid entry for CorrelationID.
1034Unable to retrieve data for the supplied CorrelationID. Please ensure the CorrelationID is correct, and that you have the required authentication credentials to poll this CorrelationID.
1035The submitted document contains an invalid entry for CorrelationID. If the field Function contains the value delete, then the field CorrelationID must be populated.
1036Unable to retrieve data for the supplied CorrelationID. Please ensure the CorrelationID is correct, and that you have the required authentication credentials to delete this CorrelationID.
1037The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Function. If the field Qualifier contains the value poll, then the only valid value for the Function field is submit.
1038The submitted document contains an invalid entry for StartDate and StartTime. You cannot have a greater StartDate and StartTime than EndDate and EndTime.
1039The submitted document contains an invalid entry for any one of the following fields StartDate, StartTime, EndDate or EndTime.
1040The submitted document contains an invalid entry for Method, or an inconsistent Value entry. This field must contain the value MD5, clear or W3Csigned. If W3Csigned is specified the Value tag must be omitted and a Signature block must be present.
1041The submitted document does not contain a valid entry for Body. This field must contain a valid document appropriate for the transaction type.
1042The submitted document contains an entry in the Body field. This field must be left blank for this transaction type.
1044The submitted XML document (Base 64 Encoded within HTML) failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this class of document.
1045When communicating with the Gateway via HTML you MUST specify a valid ResponseEndPoint.
1046The supplied user credentials failed validation for the requested service.

 Polling issues

1100The document you have submitted has not been processed yet. The system is currently experiencing high volumes. To view this submission later use the URL provided.
1101You have exceeded your allowable number of poll attempts. To view this submission later use the URL provided.
1102The time allowed for the poll attempts has elapsed. To view this submission later use the URL provided.
1103The record you have attempted to poll has been marked for deletion and therefore cannot be retrieved.

 Messages referring to the test service

1501The total number of bytes in a document submitted to the Test Service in the Gateway must not exceed 1 megabyte.
1502The GatewayTest field of the submitted document must equal 1 for test documents. In the live system only documents with a value of zero will be processed.
1503The message was successfully received by the Test Service Gateway.
1504The authentication details in the GovTalk Header does not match the credentials provided in the authentication to the Test Service.
1505No document submitted to the Test Service.

Messages referring to Gateway services

2000The Gateway could not locate a record for the supplied correlation ID - the submission may have been deleted or the correlation ID may be invalid; If you have not received a response you should resubmit the document.
2001The document was an invalid size.
2002The document was an invalid size - not enough data was supplied.
2003The service associated with the submitted document type is currently unavailable.
2004If present the GatewayTest field must be empty or set to 0.
2005The Gateway has not received an acknowledgement of your submission from the department within the permitted timescale. Please either resubmit or contact the department directly to determine if your submission has been accepted.

 Messages referring to departmental services

3000System Failure. The processing of this document has failed. Please resubmit.
3001The submission of this document has failed due to departmental specific business logic in the tag. Check that the make and model entered for any cars does not exceed 34 characters in total. 
[BCB:109:P11D CB:ECB]
Steps to duplicate
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