Explanation of stock transaction types
Only product records with an item type of Stock Item have product activity. Service Items and Non Stock Items don't have any activity.

Not all transaction types are available in all variants.

Transaction type and DescriptionDetailsEffect on stock level

AI - Adjustment In

In AI posts when you use the Adjustment In option:

  • Products and services > Adjustment in

NOTE: The Stock take option also posts an AI if the Actual value entered is greater than the In Stock value.


AO - Adjustment Out

An AO posts when you use the Adjustment Out option:

  • Products and services > Adjustment out

NOTE: The Stock take option also posts an AO if the Actual value entered is less than the In Stock value.


GI - Goods In
(Sage 50 Accounts Professional and above)

A GI transaction posts when you deliver a purchase order:

  • Purchase orders > Receive deliveries / Received note / Amend deliveries


GO - Goods OutA GO transaction posts when you update an invoice or when you despatch a sales order:
  • Invoices and credits > Update ledgers
  • Sales orders > Despatch orders / Despatch notes / Amend allocations

NOTE: A GO transaction increases the values in the Sales tab in the product record.


GR - Goods ReturnedA GR transaction is posted when you update a sales credit note:
  • Invoices and credits > Update ledgers

NOTE:  A GR transaction decreases the values in the Sales tab in the product record.


MI - Movement In
(Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above)
An MI transaction posts when you use the Stock Transfer option:
  • Products and services > Stock transfer

This option is used when there's a bill of materials (BOM) whereby one product consists of a number of other products.

To calculate the cost price for the MI, Sage Accounts calculates the total cost price for each and every sub-component. The first in first out (FIFO) cost price of the sub component is used and not the cost price from the sub-component record.

NOTE: An MI transaction always has at least one corresponding MO transaction on its sub-components.


MO - Movement Out
(Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above)
An MO transaction posts when you use the Stock Transfer option:
  • Products and services > Stock transfer

You use the Stock Transfer option when there is a bill of materials (BOM) whereby one product consists of a number of other products.

NOTE: An MO transaction always has a corresponding MI transaction on the product that it is a sub-component of.


DI - Damages In
(Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above)
A DI transaction posts when you use the Returns option:
  • Products and services > Returns

This represents damaged goods returned by the customer. Because the goods are damaged or faulty, the quantity in stock isn't affected.

NOTE: A DI transaction doesn't affect the values in the Sales tab of the product record.


No change

DO - Damages Out
(Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above)
A DO transaction posts when you use the Returns option:
  • Products and services > Returns

This represents damaged goods returned to your supplier. Because the goods are damaged or faulty, it's assumed they'll be replaced by the supplier and the quantity in stock is not affected.

NOTE: A DO transaction does not affect the values in the Sales tab of the product record.


No change

WO - Write Off
(Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above)
A WO transaction posts when you use the Returns option:
  • Products and services > Returns

This represents goods that are written off because they're damaged or obsolete. A WO transaction decreases the quantity in stock.

NOTE: A WO transaction doesn't affect the values in the Sales tab of the product record.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]