Waiting to lock files

When you're processing in a multi-user version of Sage Accounts, you may experience the following message:

'Waiting to lock files.'

This message means another user has locked one or more files on the network. It usually clears after a few seconds when saving information. If it persists, files are unnecessarily locked on the server.


To resolve this, ask all users to log out of Sage Accounts then restart the server.

If restarting the server isn't possible, you can close the locked files:

Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 - Computer Management
  1. Press Windows key + R, enter compmgmt.msc then press Enter.
  2. Select System Tools, then Shared Folders, then Open Files.
  3. To close a file, right-click the file, click Close Open File, then Yes.
Windows Server 2011 and 2008 - Share and Storage Management
  1. Click Start, then select Administrative Tools, then Server Manager.
  2. Select Roles then Share and Storage Management.

    TIP: This may appear as Start > Administrative Tools > Share and Storage Management.

  3. On the right-hand side, in the Actions pane, select Manage Open Files.
  4. Select the file you want to close, then click Close Selected.


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]


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