If the change causes a prior year adjustment
If your changes create a prior year adjustment on your balance sheet, there are 3 ways you can deal with this:
Option 1 - Leave the Previous year adjustment on the Balance Sheet and advise your accountant
If you're unsure how to proceed, leave the previous year adjustment on the balance sheet and seek advice from your accountant.
Option 2 - Move the brought forward P&L balances to the profit and loss account nominal code.
You can move the values from the relevant profit and loss nominal codes to the profit and loss account nominal code, by default 3200. This is the code where the values would have gone if you'd made the adjustment before you ran the year end.
TIP: You can check your profit and loss account nominal code in Settings > Control Accounts > Retained Earnings.
However, these values will not have been accounted for on the final end of year profit and loss or trial balance report for the previous year.
If the following brought forward value appears on the trial balance:
N/C | Debit | Credit |
4001 - Sales Type B | | 4500.00 |
Post the following journal dated the last day of the previous financial year:
N/C | T/C | Debit | Credit |
4001 - Sales Type B | T9 | 4500.00 | |
3200 - Profit and Loss Account | T9 | | 4500.00 |
Option 3 - Move the brought forward P&L balances into the current financial year
You can post a journal to move the values from the brought forward period into the current financial year. This means that the transactions themselves retain the original correct date, which is important for aged reconciliation and VAT, but the values on the profit and loss are accounted for in the new financial year.
If the following brought forward value appears on the Trial Balance:
N/C | Debit | Credit |
4001 - Sales Type B | | 4500.00 |
Post the following journal dated the last day of the previous financial year:
N/C | T/C | Debit | Credit |
4001 - Sales Type B | T9 | 4500.00 | |
3200 - Retained Earnings | T9 | | 4500.00 |
Then post the following journal dated the first date of the current financial year:
N/C | T/C | Debit | Credit |
4001 - Sales Type B | T9 | | 4500.00 |
3200 - Retained Earnings | T9 | 4500.00 | |