Report Designer - How to amend date or time object properties
Change the properties of a date or time object
  1. Select the document you want to amend, then click Edit.
  2. Select the object you want to change.
  3. In the Properties pane, click Formatting, then click the finder button .
  4. Select the Date & Time tab amend the settings as required.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the menu bar click File, click Save As.
  7. Enter a new file name then click Save.
  8. On the menu bar click File, then click Exit
The date and time options

There are many different date and time formats available from the drop-down lists within the Date & Time tab. The following rules apply when specifying a date or time format:

d Specifies the format used for the day. A single d displays the correct date, but suppresses the leading zero, where applicable, for example, the first of the month appears as 1.
dd Displays a leading zero where applicable, for example, the first of the month appears as 01.
ddd Displays the day name in a short text format, for example, Monday appears as Mon.
dddd Displays the complete day name in text format, for example, Monday appears as Monday.
M Specifies the format used for the month. A single M displays the correct month, but suppresses the leading zero, where applicable, for example, January appears as 1.
MM Displays a leading zero where applicable, for example, January appears as 01.
MMMM Displays the complete month name in text format, for example, January appears as January.
yy Displays a leading zero where applicable, for example, 2009 appears as 09.
yyyy Displays the complete year, including the century, for example, 2009 appears as 2009.
H Specifies the format used for an hour. A single H displays the correct hour, but suppresses the leading zero, where applicable, for example, one AM appears as 1. An upper case H is used to specify the 24 hour clock format.
HH Displays the leading zero where applicable. For example, one AM appears as 01. An upper case HH is used to specify the 24 hour clock format.
h Specifies the format used for an hour. A single h displays the correct hour, but suppresses the leading zero, where applicable, for example, one o'clock appears as 1. A lower case h is used to specify the 12 hour clock format.
hh Displays the leading zero where applicable. For example, one AM appears as 01. A lower case hh is used to specify the 12 hour clock format.
mm Displays the number of minutes. This is always displayed as two digits.
ss Displays the number of seconds. This is always displayed as two digits.
tt Displays whether the time is AM or PM when using a 12 hour clock format. This is always used in conjunction with the 12 hour clock format listed above.
Separator / or - are the most common but you can enter other characters or spaces if required.
Text You can enter text surrounded by quotations.

For example, dd, MMMM "in the year" yyyy displays 01, January in the year 2013



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