The Stock Take option

Run your stock take reports

Prior to running the Stock Take option, Sage Accounts provides various stock take reports to assist you with your physical counting of stock. These are available in:

  • Product and services > Reports > Stock take.

Run a stock take

You can only run a stock take for items that are marked as stock items. You can't run a stock take for service or non-stock items.

TIP: The stock take option posts adjustments in respect to the current stock levels within the software. Therefore it's not possible to post a retrospective stock take using this option. Instead, post the adjustments manually.

    1. On the navigation bar click Products and services then click Stock take.
    2. Enter the stock take information as follows, one line per product code:

TIP: If you prefer, you can import your stock take from an Excel or CSV file. For more information about this, please refer to the Import a stock take section.

Product Code* Click the product code you want to make an adjustment against.
Details The product description taken from the product record appears.
Date* Enter the stock take date. By default, the program date appears.
Ref By default, Sage Accounts posts with a reference of STK TAKE. This can be amended, if required.
Actual Enter the actual number of items held in stock, taken from your stock take count.
Cost Price Sage Accounts uses the cost price taken from the product record. This can't be amended here but can be amended within the product record, if required.
In stock This is the current quantity in stock and can't be amended.
Adjustment Sage Accounts works out the difference between the actual and the in stock quantities and makes the necessary adjustment. This can't be amended.

* denotes a compulsory field.

    1. To print a record of these stock take details, click Print List, select the printer required then click OK.

If required, to use the memorise and recall options, please refer to the following section, Save a stock take grid.

  1. Click Post Stock take then click Close.

Either an Adjustment Out (AO) or an Adjustment In (AI) is posted with the reference of Stk Take, bringing the stock levels to the quantity required. You can view the postings in the product record activity.

Save a stock take grid

If required, you can also save your stock take details to a file that you can recall at a later date, for example, to continue with the stock take, or to view the adjustments that have been previously made.

NOTE: This option is available in Sage 50 Accounts Plus and Professional.

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, then click Stock take.
  2. Enter your stock take information then click Memorise.
  3. In File name, enter the name you want to use for this stock take information, for example, Stocktake010718.sgt.
  4. Click Save then click Close.

Recall a stock take grid

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, then click Stock take.
  2. Click Recall, select the required file then click Open.

Import a stock take

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, click Stock Take then click Import.
  2. Choose either comma separated or Excel worksheet, browse to the relevant file, then click Next.
  3. In the Field Mappings window, map the fields, click Next then click Import.

For more information about importing files, please refer to article Sage 50 Accounts Import Wizard


[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]
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