Set up and process a net payment

In Sage 50 Payroll, you can use a net payment to pay an exact net amount, alongside other normal gross payments. Your software then works out the gross amount for you.

If required, you can specify whether the payment is net of tax only or net of both tax and NI.

NOTE: To process all of an employee's pay as a specific net amount you must set up and process a net to gross payment.


Net payments are designed to form part of an employee's pay alongside other normal gross payments, not including statutory payments, to make up a final salary.

The total value of any individual net payments must be less than the main salary/basic pay total.

Net payments can be affected by other deductions. If an employee has a student loan or a deduct after tax pension scheme in use, check the net increase your net payment adds.

 NOTE: Your software can't calculate salary sacrifice deductions on a net payment. If you have a salary sacrifice deduction or pension in place for an employee, you mustn't use a net payment in their pay. 

How do net payments calculate?

When you use a net payment, Sage 50 Payroll completes a two-step calculation using the non net payments first. The calculation for liability on the net payment then uses values from the initial calculation as a basis.

Set up a net payment

  1. Go to Company, Tasks then Pay Elements.
  2. Select the Net Payments tab, then New, then
  3. From Payment Adjusted For, select the required option as follows:

    Employee's Tax

    If the amount you want the employee to receive is after payroll calculates tax, select this option.

    In this case, you, the employer, pay the cost of the tax. This will add to the gross pay and appears in Enter Payments and on the employee's payslip as a cost of net payments.

    Employee's Tax and NI

    If the amount you want the employee to receive is after payroll calculates tax and NI, select this option.

    In this case, you, the employer, pay the cost of the tax and the NI. This will add to the gross pay and will appear in Enter Payments and on the employee's payslip as a cost of net payments.

  4. Select or clear the remaining checkboxes.
  5. To save the new net payment and return to the Pay Element Settings window, select OK.
  6. Select Close.

Assign a net payment to an employee

To assign a net payment to several employees at the same time, you can use the Global Changes option. Global changes: Payments

  1. Go to Employee, select the required employee, then Employee Record.
  2. Select Employment then Pay Elements.
  3. To add a payment, on the next available line, click the finder button then, from the drop-down list, choose the required payment and select OK.
  4. If required, 
  5. Select Save then Close. 

Process net payments

  1. Go to Payroll, select the required employee, then Enter Payments.
  2. If required, enter or amend the relevant hours or rate for the required net payment.
  3. To proceed to the next selected employee, select Save/Next.
  4. To return to the payroll desktop, select Close

[BCB:136:Limitless - 50 Payroll - Payments and Deductions:ECB]

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