Transfer money between bank accounts

Sometimes you may need to transfer money between bank accounts in your company, or for example, you withdraw cash to use for petty cash. To record this you can use the Bank Transfer option, which is quick and easy to use.


Before you start

The steps in this guide are for bank accounts of the same currency. If you need to transfer money between bank accounts of a different currency, for example, a Sterling (£) account to a Dollar ($) account, you should follow a different process. Read more >

How to use the Bank transfer option

  1. Click Bank accounts.
  2. Click the account you want to move the money from.
  3. Click Bank transfer.
  4. Complete the boxes as required.
  5. Click Save and then click Close.

If you've already made the transfer and you've made a mistake, don't worry, you can edit or delete the transfer as required.

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Steps to duplicate
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